New Reception Intake starting school September 2023
Information for your new school year - let the adventure begin!
Reception Intake 2023
'You're off to great places, today is your day, your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!'
Welcome to Hetton Primary School Reception Class 2023 - 2024.
We are thrilled that you have chosen us and our beautiful school for your child to start their school journey.
At Hetton Primary we grow confident, happy children, and we have excellent, highly trained staff who are committed to providing the best education and care for your child.
We cannot wait to meet children who are new to our school, and to welcome our Nursery children back to start their school journey with us, to find out more about them and to help them learn and grow.
We are also looking forward to welcoming new families, as well as the families of our wonderful Nursery children who have all chosen to stay with us for Reception. As our school grows, we are looking forward to building on and developing the warm, positive family relationships and the high standards that we are well known for, to ensure that your children grow to be the BEST they can be!
Over the next few weeks we are planning lots of transition days so that your experience of transitioning to school life is a happy and exciting one.
You will get copies of all information either in the post, via email, or we will give you a call to remind you of anything coming up. The current dates are...
Stay and Play in Reception meet the staff, have a chat and a drink while your children explore the environment:
13th June 3:45pm for current Nursery children.
15th June 3:45pm for children and families that are new to us.
Transition meetings - Staff will go through everything you need to know, with refreshments, school lunch samples and school uniform to look over in the Hall, while your children play in the Reception environment.
27th June 2023
9:30 - 10:30am if your child attends an afternoon Nursery session.
1:30 - 2:30pm if your child attends a morning Nursery session.
You can attend any session that is most practical for you, on this date we will also sign you up for a Home Visit time and date.
Home Visits - arranged during transition meeting.
29th June - 7th July
Mrs Fearby and a member of the Reception Class team will visit your family in your home, this visit is relaxed and informal, often sharing stories about summer holiday adventures to come, allowing your child to see the relationship between practitioner and parent. Any questions are answered, concerns eased, and every effort is made to ensure both you and your child are confident and happy to start school.
If you are happy to, we will also take a photo of your child for our Home and Family display so that they feel part of our Hetton family as soon as they walk through our door in September.
13th July 2023 2pm – 3pm: Teddy Bear’s Picnic.
The children are invited to a Teddy Bears Picnic, they can bring their own favourite soft toy and we will provide a picnic for everyone, hopefully in the summer sunshine! (please let us know about any dietary requirements).
This will be an opportunity for the children to meet their new Reception friends. Parents are encouraged to stay and talk to the staff and other parents and enjoy refreshments in a relaxed setting.
Please call the school office if you are attending this session on 01915623323. – Thank You!
We are so looking forward to our exciting adventures together, please do not hesitate to call school if you have any questions and Mrs Fearby will call you back.
Please check out our Reception page on our class pages section of our website to see what we get up to every day!
Thank you for your support now, and throughout your child's school journey.
Mrs Fearby and the Early Years Team.