Amethyst Class
Welcome to Amethyst Class!
I am Miss Oldroyd and I will be your child's class teacher.
Monday 3rd June
Today we identified the key features of a discussion text. We will be using this to help us write our own discussion texts on whether we think evacuation during WW2 was an effective policy and how it impacted children.
Wednesday 22nd May
This afternoon we looked at the architect, Norman Foster and some of the buildings he has designed over the years. This included the Sage from our local area. We then sketched our own building designs in our sketch book before transferring them onto styrofoam blocks and printing them with paint. We will be using this to create a collective piece of art.
Friday 17th May
Congratulations Year 6 on finishing your SATS. We are all so proud of you. This afternoon we celebrated with a pizza party and lots of treats! Thank you to your grown ups for providing us with so many goodies.
Monday 13th May
Good Luck Year 6 on your SATS this week.
Show everyone how amazing you are!
Thursday 9th May
This morning we took part in a scavenger hunt around the school playground to solve lots of SPAG questions. They were hidden in different places and we had to work together to find and solve them all.
Monday 22nd April
This week our Year 6's are off to Derwent Hill in the Lake District. They will get to
experience so many new things including: mountain walking, canoeing, gorge walking, high ropes courses and going into mines! We can't wait to share their wonderful memories with you.
Tuesday 16th April
This afternoon we designed our own cubes to help us manage stressful situations. We were given the net of a cube and on each section had to draw and design an idea that can help us to calm down if we are feeling overwhelmed. We then cut these out and stuck them together to make our own cubes.
Wednesday 27th March
This half term our Science topic has been Living things and their habitats. We have been
looking at different types of living things and categorising what makes something a living thing. This afternoon we took part in a experiment to investigate whether yeast was a living thing. Take a look at our investigation pictures below.
Friday 9th February
Today we took part in Children's mental health week by wearing what makes us happy to school. This years theme was my voice matters so we talked about what this means and how we can make our voice be heard.

Thursday 8th February
This half term we took part in a workshop called ‘We eat elephants’ with the Mental Health Support Team. Over the course of 5 weeks, we learned how to understand what we are feeling, why, and how to deal with the effects. We talked through various different scenarios and learned how to communicate and express our feelings.
Friday 2nd February
This afternoon we took part in a workshop from the Discovery Museum. It involved borrowing a box of artefacts and learning all about the secret WW2 bunker located in Kenton. During the session we learned the importance of being a plotter and how if they made any mistakes lives would be in danger. We then had the opportunity to handle different artefacts from the war and also learn all about the different Types of planes and why certain locations were targets for the Germans.
Friday 26th January
This afternoon we had an assembly with Better Health, we learned all about how to keep our bodies healthy. Afterwards Year 6 took part in a workshop about healthy packed lunches.
Wednesday 24th January
Today we looked at understanding characters and their actions in more detail. We had to write a range of questions that we’d like to find out about the characters on post it notes and then select a random question from our peers to answer. We then discussed what we’d learnt about the different characters.

Friday 19th January
In RE today we looked at the Lords Prayer and its meaning. We then had to create a storyboard to show to younger children to help the, understand.
Monday 15th January
In Science we have been continuing our topic of Evolution and inheritance. Today we looked at how different animals are adapted to the environment they live in. We then were given a habitat to look at and how to design our own creature which would be perfectly suited to survive within that habitat. Below is an example of our wonderful work.
Tuesday 9th January
Today we started our new class text ‘The invention of Hugo Cabret’. This story is told largely through pictures so we looked at the beginning pictures of the book and used our inference skills to try and work out what was happening in the story.

Monday 8th January
Today we started our new Science topic ‘Evolution’. We talked about what inheritance meant and what characteristics we could inherit from our parents. We then demonstrated our understanding through the use of Mr Men and Little Miss characters and what their offspring would look like depending on what they inherited. Look at some of our work below.
Monday 11th December
This afternoon we completed our Design and Technology project, we designed our
own bag charm. We had to sketch out the shape and then had to choose between blanket
stitch or running stitch to attach our materials together. We then stuffed them and
attached a keychain and a ribbon. We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed making these.
Thursday 7th December
Today we took part in the Santa Dash around school. We were all given our own Santa hat to wear and we ran around the school grounds with the full school. It was lovely to see all the children running around together! It was also Christmas jumper day so we all had our best jumpers on!
Today was also our Christmas lunch which was delicious.
Thank you to the kitchen staff for cooking for us!

Wednesday 6th December
This morning we were in for a treat! We were very excited to have
some special visitors in school who performed Cinderella the pantomime
for us. It was a great way to start our Christmas festivities in school.

Thursday 17th November
Today we celebrated World Nursery Rhyme Week by working with reception.
We met up in the hall and sang the traditional nursery rhyme 'Row, row your boat'.
We even added some versus. Scan the QR code to watch us sing.
Monday 13th November
This week is Anti-Bullying Week. This afternoon we took part in a mindfulness workshop led by Blue Jay Wellness. During the session we took part in yoga and also discussed what the difference between banter and bullying was. We shared our experiences and talked about who we could talk to if we felt we were being bullied and how we can support each other.

Friday 10th November
On the way to swimming this afternoon, Year 6 went to lay our school wreath for Remembrance Day.

Wednesday 1st November
This afternoon we started our new Science topic 'Electricity'. We looked at a range of different components and investigated different types of circuits we could make. We needed to try and make components light up, move or make a noise. We were very successful!
Tuesday 31st October
This afternoon we started our new Geography topic. We are looking at North America, we used atlases to help us locate the 23 different countries that make up North America.

Monday 30th October
Today we took part in a drama activity where we had to pretend we were poor farmers and a predator had arrived and was killing our livestock. We had to work together to decide how we would tackle this issue and then held a debate to discuss our ideas. We ended with a vote to decide what our next steps would be. We had no idea what the predator was and at the end of the session we found out it was an endangered tiger, lots of our opinions changed on what we should do once we knew this.
Thursday 19th October
This morning we took part in an assembly to celebrate Black History Month.
We have spent a few lessons finding all about our inspirational person 'Noor Inayat Khan'.
We then shared what we have learnt with the rest of the school.

Thursday 12th October
This morning we took part in a workshop with the author, Sarah Millington. She read us part of her new book and we talked about transitioning to secondary school and anything we were looking forward to or worried about with this as her book was linked to this. Thank you for visiting Hetton Primary School.

Tuesday 10th October
This afternoon we looked at how humans could live a healthy lifestyle, we discussed different ways and then looked at the potential risks if people weren’t looking after their bodies properly. We were then asked to complete a piece of working showing what we had learnt, we could use pictures, labels, writing (It was our own choice how we displayed it) Here are two lovely examples from today.

Monday 9th October
Today some very brave Year 6’s stood up in front of the whole school to deliver their Mini SLT speeches, they all did an excellent job and made us very proud. They now have the much anticipated wait until Friday to find out who will be representing our school. Well done Year 6.
Tuesday 3rd October
Today we continued our Science learning, we used our readings from yesterday to calculate our mean heart rate during different activities (we even spotted some anomalies!) We then used our chrome books to represent our data in the form of a bar chart.
Monday 2nd October
This afternoon we took part in a Science investigation to find out whether exercise affected our heart rate. We had to measure our pulse doing different levels of exercise and take multiple readings to ensure it was a fair test. We will share our findings later in the week.

Wednesday 20th September
This afternoon we continued our History topic of the Victorians. We found out about what life was like for children living in Victorian England and how it differs to us today. We looked at the different jobs including working down the mines, working in factories or being bird scarers in the fields. They decided they were very happy being children in 2023 due to how dangerous and hard children's lives were in the past! (We'll be reminding them of throughout the year haha!)
Monday 18th September
This afternoon we continued our Science topic. We developed our learning about the circulatory system and how blood moves around the body by creating funny comic strips to show our understanding. Take a look at a few examples below.
Thursday 14th September
Today we transformed our classroom into a boat. We imagined what life would be like for refugees aboard and role played different emotions for different parts of the journey. This lesson was linked to our new English text, 'The Arrival', a beautiful picture book. Throughout the lesson we had to move around the boat and speak to others and find out their reasons for leaving their home country and what they were hoping to find in the new land. We then went on to create our own application for residency forms.
Tuesday 12th September
This half term our Science topic involves learning all about the circulatory system. Today we thought about how blood travels around our body. We role played being red blood cells and acted out the movement around our classroom in the form of a conga line and had a little wiggle as our bodies turned from blue to red when we became oxygenated. We then worked in groups to draw a diagram and showcase our learning.

Tuesday 5th September
Well done on a great first day back Year 6. Despite the September heatwave we are currently experiencing, the children had a wonderful day. We started our English text, 'The Arrival' which is a powerful picture book with no words at all. This means the children will have to use their inference skills to decide what they think is happening throughout the text and the key message it sends.
Monday 4th September
Welcome to Year 6! I hope you've all had a lovely relaxing summer holidays and are ready to tackle the year ahead. You're going to have such a great year and I know you are all going to be super role models for the rest of the school. We'll see you tomorrow!