Diamond Class
Home Learning Tasks.
Home learning tasks will be set daily to support home learning. Please click on the correct date to access each day's new learning. If you have any problems accessing the work, please email me.
Miss Redpath x
Week 12 - WB 15.06.20 -
Please use the Talk For Writing document to access Max's Jungle Adventure.
Miss Redpath forgot to include an extra challenge on your learning sheets!..
Please click on the 'Looking Out Looking In' documents for more information!
W/C 25th May 2020
This week is half term. We will not be setting any online work for the week.
Work will be back online from June 1st.
Have a lovely break and stay safe!
Please find below the link for this week's White Rose Hub maths materials! (W/C 18.05.20)
This week it is all about 'Superworm' by Julia Donaldson - one of my favourites!
Please remember to email me at rebecca.redpath@schools.sunderland.ac.uk to share your work or if you have any problems accessing this.
Have fun!
Week Beginning 11.05.2020
Please find below the link to this week's White Rose Hub home learning materials!
This week it is all about 'The Very Busy Spider!'
Have fun :)
It's time for "PYJAMARAMA" Day!
Today is a day for staying in pyjamas and reading books! You can find lots of fun reading activities by clicking the link below! One of those activities is to send a picture of yourself reading your favourite book in your pyjamas to your teacher! I wonder who could find the craziest place to read!
Meanwhile, we as teachers love to spend time reading in our pyjamas!....

Phonics Learning
From Monday 27th April, online phonics lessons will be available on the Letters and Sounds YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw
Please use this for your child's daily phonics lesson.
Written and presented by phonics experts and funded by the Department for Education, the online lessons are designed to cover new phonics teaching that the children would have received over the summer term had they been in school.
Three sets of lessons will be available. One set for Reception and one for Year 1, based on where children are expected to be in their learning in the summer term. A third set of lessons aims to focus on areas children find the most challenging. A guidance film for parents to explain the basics of Phonics and how parents can support their child is available on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8C8BCB4hvc
White Rose Hub Resources
Week Beginning 27.04.20 - This focuses around Pirates!!
Week Beginning 20.04.20
White Rose Hub is a tool that we use to support our Maths teaching. They have now released a week's worth of activities that you will be able to access for free from home each day. They have used the 'Supertato' text by sue Hendra as a vehicle to drive the activities - I know the children love this story so I am sure they will be keen to take part.
Please shout if you have any questions or queries - use my email.
Thank you and have fun!

Happy Birthday to Captain Tom Moore!
I am sure you have all seen the news of war veteran, Captain Tom Moore, completing 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday in order to raise money for the NHS! It is amazing to hear today that he has raised more than 12 million pounds for NHS Charities Together.
I have noticed that some children have written birthday cards to Captain Tom Moore as a way of saying thank you!
If you wish to do this, please use the following address in order to ensure they are received:
Captain Tom Moore
C/O Post Office Ltd
67 Bedford Road
Marston Moretaine
MK45 0LA
A challenge for you... I wonder if you could complete some laps of your back garden/yard! How long does it take you to complete 100 of them I wonder?
Easter photographs week 2
Thank you so much for sending your lovely pictures! I love to see them!
I will continue to add them to the school website as promised! Please just make sure they don't contain your child's face to ensure they are kept safe!
Thank you! Stay home and keep safe! Love Miss Redpath x
Happy Easter!
This is a story that I have really enjoyed reading! I hope you enjoy it too!
I wonder if any of you can use items in your own home to make your very own robot!
I look forward to seeing them! Stay safe!
Miss Redpath x

"I want my hat back" by Jon Klassen - 13.04.20
A YouTube channel which allows stories to come to life through puppetry have streamed a free version of a core text for the children.
I wonder whether any of the children can create their own puppet theatre to retell their favourite story; you could use an old box and create your own puppets using drawings you have made yourselves!
Remember to send them via email to your child's class teacher.
Week 1 of Easter Challenges!
It is so lovely to receive your emails of your children completing some of our Easter challenges - keep them coming! As promised, I have added some of these to our website.
Please can you remember to not include your child's face to the photographs to ensure we keep them safe!
Thank you! Stay home and stay safe!
We miss you all! x
Here are some links to how to stay safe when using the internet for you and your child/children to work through.
Design us a playground!
An extra idea to support your home learning. We have found this amazing competition - win a £10,000 playground for your school. How super would it be if some of you could enter and our school won! Follow this link and see if you could design us a winning playground:- https://creativeplayuk.com/home-learning-resources/
Castle Challenge!
Let's use all of those toilet roll tubes to create a representation of a castle! We have done lots of work on the features of castles; can you remember to include turrets, arrow slits and a drawbridge! I wonder what you could use to represent the moat!
Remember to take photos (only of your castle, not yourself) and I will add them to our website!
Good luck! x
Maths Week Beginning: 30.03.20
I have included the Year 1 materials too as some of the children will be capable of these too!
Have fun, remember to send me pictures and keep in touch!
Unfortunately, school is now closed for the foreseeable future. Below are some websites you may wish to use during the school closure.
Twinkl has kindly allowed parents free access to their website. This will provide the children with access to activities and learning packs, linked to their year group curriculum.
To access these resources, please log on to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and use code UKTWINKLHELPS.
Phonics play has also allowed parents free access to their website, please log on to www.phonicsplay.co.uk and use:
Username: March 20 and password: home
https://www.phonicsbloom.com/ - You can choose which phase to work within; for Reception, I would recommend phase 3.
Diamond Class have settled in so well to school. They love to play and explore together in our indoor environment...

.....and our outdoor area!