Opal Class
Week beginning 12th July
This week, we have been focusing on descriptive settings in literacy.
We have focused on spooky settings. In art we have been investigating water colour mixing to create different shades for our haunted house.
Friday 9th July
Our Forest Adventure
During our forest adventure today we made a bridge, made a shelter and camouflaged ourselves to hide from the teachers.
Week Beginning 21st June
What an amazing week Year 5 have had as Sports Leaders.
They have been truly amazing.
Here they are with Year 6 and Year 1.
Year 2 and Year 3 worked with Opal Class Sports Leaders today.
Another great afternoon.
What an amazing Monday afternoon we have had. Our Y5 Sports Leaders were fantastic today with Mrs Stafford's Class.
We have also been competing in a football festival linked to the European Championships. All the classes will take part this week.
Here are some pictures from our festival with Year 4.
Week beginning 14th June
Performing 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' in French.

We have created our own templates for a graphic modelling project in '2 Design and Make' in our computing sessions.
Our final rehearsal for Sports Leader activities before next week.
Week Beginning 7th June
In literacy this week, we have been watching the short story 'The Present' and thinking about the meaning behind the story. Here are some of our responses.
Week beginning 24th May
We have been training for our sports leader event in June this week.
Week beginning 17th May
After having a Zoom lesson with a graphic designer we then had a go at designing a tow truck and a car which would fit on our truck. We will print off our designs and check whether our measurements are correct.
We have been focusing on practical activities to read measuring accurately scales this week.
We enjoyed making, baking and eating our rock cakes.
We have been rehearsing our skipping again today. We think you will like our final production.


Week beginning 10th May
We had a coach from Durham Cricket Club come in to coach us.




In maths today, we have been investigating decimal numbers in metres.
We have measured our height and converted between cm and m to investigate tenths and hundredths in metres.
We then measured how far we can jump, throw a ball and run in 21.88 seconds.
We then focused on rounding the decimal numbers to the nearest whole number.
With this week being 'Be Kind Week' we are trying to be kind to one another. We have wrote a kind message about someone in our class and then decorated a card for that person with a message of how we are going to be kind this week.
On Friday we are going to see if we can guess who was kind to us by the clues in their card.
Today we finished off our kindness cards. There were some lovely messages inside. Here are a few:
* I like the way you treat people and always make sure that they are ok.
This week I am going to compliment you, smile at you and say hello often to make you feel special.
* You are very nice and kind. Have a nice day.
This week I am going to play with you.
* I like the way you are kind and caring.
This week I am going to play with you more often.
In PE this week we have started some cricket challenges in which we compete against ourselves and others.
Week beginning 4th May
In computing, we have been making our own games on Purple Mash.
The children playing their games.


We looked through these pictures in pairs and discussed what the told us about life in Ancient Egypt.
Week beginning 26th April
In science this week, we have been investigating pollination in plants. We went for a walk around the school grounds to find and record evidence of pollination.
Here are some of the skipping skills we have been focusing on today.




In PE this week we have been focusing on working with a partner to send and receive a ball in different ways.
We then competed against other pairs in a game of palm tennis.
Week Beginning 19th April
We have been working really hard in maths this week on fractions and decimals.
Here are some examples of our work.
Our Class Novel at the moment is 'Friend or Foe'
We have had some very interesting discussions about this book and the choice of title for the book.
In French this week, we have been looking at months of the year and playing the ‘hot and cold’ game to help us learn them.




Week Beginning 12th April
We have been focusing on learning French phrases linked to thinks we enjoy doing.

French singing




PE focus this week - throwing and catching skills with balance.
We worked on static balance and throwing and catching the ball from different levels in a static balance.
Monday 15th March
Opal Class Virtual PE Festival - Netball aspect of the Fantastic 4 Sunderland PE Challenge
Virtual Netball Challenge





Opal Class Blended learning
We are investigating decimals in maths this week and their relationship to fractions.
Our Banksy style art work linked to the NHS and current issues in the world.
Our very own Rain Forest creature documentaries.
L Sto Tarantula

David Attenborough watch out. L S wants your job!!!
ZG The rain Forest Macaw Parrot

Another superb video by ZG
Examples of work from this week (week ending 12th February)
Friday 12th February - Pancake fun.
With it being children's Mental Health Week this week, we have been looking at what makes us happy.
We then planned a series of actions/choreographs linked to Pharrell Williams song 'Happy'.
Check out some of our examples compared to the original.
TM's take on her own 'Happiness'

ZG take on 'Happy'

KWC 'Happy'

Some of this week's work
Some of the activities we have been doing this week
Some of our photos and videos from The Foundation Of Light PE sessions.
L and W enjoying Foundation of Light PE sessions

KWC and T joining in with PE session.
Friday afternoon exercise looking for interesting objects and sights.
JG and NG walk in the local park looking for unusual sights.

LS and WS enjoying their Friday afternoon walk and looking for interesting sculptures, buildings, views and signs.
More pictures from the children's walks this Friday.
Pupil walks around the local area.
Our task on Monday was to create a fitness circuit based on the 7 times tables.
Pupils had to write the times tables in their red book and the exercise next to it which they would do.
1 x 7 = 7 (press ups)
2 x 7 = 14 (lunges)
Up to 12 x 7
Ideas were: Press up, squat, high knees running on the spot, jumps, star jumps, lunges, squat thrusts, dancing, hopping, burpees, skipping, running on the spot…
Pupils had to choose whether the answer was actual exercises or seconds.
It will be a good idea to do the ones you find hardest at the beginning because there will be less reps of each exercise or less time to do them in (for example, would you rather do 7 press ups or 84 press ups?/7 seconds of press ups or 84 seconds of press ups?)
GG and LSc delivering their 7 x circuit via video

KWC 7 x tables circuit

Accessing the Sunderland FC Foundation of Light PE sessions
Our very own Joe Wicks!!!

The pupils had to complete a Joe Wicks work out and then design their own work out for next week's PE lessons. Mr Snelson, Miss Oldroyd and the children in school will deliver one of our children's work outs each week.
More pictures of our Joe Wicks PE lessons
Here are some of our Joe Wicks PE lesson plans
An amazing report about Coronavirus from LA
Working hard at home
Fun in the snow on Friday 8th January.
Because of the snow we changed our plans slightly and included a Snowy maths/PE challenge also
(see the attached Snow Challenge document).
This was the Snowy Maths and PE investigation the pupils had to focus on today.
JG and NG snow ball shot and sled race
JG and NG Sled Race

Videos of our investigation today.

CO taking part in the investigation.

CO Snow Ball target

Opal Class getting creative in the snow.
Fun in the snow
Our science lesson investigating forces.
The investigation for Science
The force is with you ZG
Examples of pupils work this week. GREAT WORK EVERYONE
Thursday 17th December
Opal Class Christmas Party

Monday 14th December
Opal Class - Festive Forest Session.
Today we made a fire and then roasted marshmallows on the fire.
We then enjoyed our marshmallows with a drink of hot chocolate.
Some pictures from filming the Christmas production today.
Thursday 10th December
Opal Class Santa Dash!
All classes in school are performing the Santa Dash as part of the Sunderland Active Schools Award. Here are some pictures from Opal's dash.
Thursday 26th November
Our reading this week has been based around the Folk Song 'No Man's Land' by Eric Bogle.
Here are some of our responses to the song.

Friday 13th November
Thank you for all your donations to Children in Need Opal Class.
Wednesday 11th November 2020
Opal Class recited the famous World War 1 poem 'Flanders Field' for Remembrance Day this year.
Check out the 3 videos below for each verse of the poem.



Friday 23rd October
We followed up our work on shading by mixing shading with charcoal backgrounds to show the contrast in shading between different media.
Thursday 22nd October
Some super art work in class today. We were investigating shade, tone and textures by shading with different art pencils.
Tuesday 23rd September
Our amazing Forest School session




Forest School
Friday 18th September
Here are some of our pictures from our outdoor athletics PE session today.
Outdoor Athletics
Friday 11th September 2020
What a great return to school we have had in Opal Class. All of the children have returned cheerful, healthy and happy.
We have been very busy since our return, learning about the Coronavirus and how to keep safe. The children have been incredibly sensible and thoughtful during our discussions about the current situation we find ourselves in.
We have also been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. In maths we have also been looking at numbers up to 10 000. All the children have worked amazingly hard and have tried their best.
In literacy we have been looking at the story, Here We Are. We have then conducted our own research about planet earth and produced some fantastic pieces of descriptive writing about earth and the solar system.
We are also going to be learning about the Anglo-Saxons in history this term. The children have already showed amazing understanding of how to order a historical timeline (see below).
As we near the end of our first full week back, I would just like to say how brilliant each and every one of the children in Opal Class has done. Keep up the good work.
Our Timeline work in history.
Check out our PE letter with information about our PE days.