Amber Class
Welcome to Amber Class.
I am Mr Snelson and I will be your child's Year 4 class teacher.
Summer Term 2
10th July Y4 at Elemore Country Park. Check out our Yeti faces linked to our story 'The Abominables', our den building and experiencing different textures within the forest barefooted.
1st July - DT Project. Designing and making our train shed for Beamish Museum.
21st June Y3 and 4 Euros Football tournament. Well done to France for winning the competition.
19th June - Y4 at Sunderland Sings 2024






14th June Y4 Beamish Trip
In Science we have been learning about how we hear sounds. We then compiled our knowledge into a TV programme using I Movie.

International day Of Play - Tuesday 11th June 2024
Summer Term 1
Science - investigating different habitats around our school grounds and creatures found in them.
PE - Developing our gymnastic routines



Computing - Making music on Purple Mash to investigate melody and pitch.


Art this half term - monoprinting Lesson 1.
Lesson 2 - experimenting with colours by using tin foil to create similar designs.
Dip Dye Session in art - backing the fabric onto card ready for the next stage.
Evaluating and highlighting a persuasive holiday brochure to Australia.
Y4 working on chronologically ordering different historical periods.
Introduction to fractions - problem solving activity – using shapes pupils needed to make a square and identify the amount of parts.
Spring Term two
Computing - Making our own animations on Purple Mash




Geography - Using atlas maps to identify major rivers of the UK and identify which sea or ocean they flow into.
DT topic - Making an electrical system to light a bulb
World Book Week: 4-8th March
During this week we have listened to lots of authors tell us about their books.
Some of the authors we have listened to are:
Helen Rutter - Reggie Houser has the power
Emily Jane Clark - Zombie Pigs
Terry Deary - Horrible Hstories
Spring Term One in Year 4
15th February. Y3 and Y4 visited the Hetton Centre to listen to a string quartet.

Amber Class Art Work - Making Trainers. Open the document to see our work.
History - time line work
Aztec artefacts lesson
Computing - working on developing our knowledge of coding




PE - Tennis coaching



Week Beginning 18th December 2023
Y4 (and Year 3) Christmas party.

Week Beginning 11th December
This week we have planned our DT topic of making a healthy soup. We then worked on preparing the soup by peeling, cutting, weighing ingredients and preparing the soup for our school cook, Lisa, to cook it for us. We then tasted and evaluated our soup.
Preparing the ingredients
Tasting and evaluating the soup
Tri-Golf with Amy McCulloch from Farringdon Secondary School
Thursday 10th December - Christmas Crafts with our family
Week Beginning 4th December
In Design and Technology this week we have been tasting and evaluating different soups in preparation for when we make our own soup.
We have also been investigating electrical conductors and insulators by creating an electrical circuit and seeing which materials allow/do not allow electricity to flow through them.
Week Beginning 27th November
Can I investigate the function of a switch in a circuit?
Group task – making own switches and testing different switches in a circuit.
In computing this week we have been investigating the repeat function on Logo.
Week beginning 20th November
This week, in maths we have been investigating 2D polygons and we have started to look at perimeter.
In Science we have been making and investigating electrical circuits.
Week beginning 13th October
In literacy this week we have finished the story of FArTher by Grahame Baker-Smith.
We have now started to plan our own sequels to the story from the point of view of the boy's son.
Week Beginning 6th November
This week in geography we have been investigating the physical geography of Spain. We then researched the Pyrenees Mountain Range. After our research we looked on Google images for photos and maps linked to what we had found out. We then put together an I Movie presentation on the I Pads.
Week Beginning 30th October
In literacy, we have started a new book this week. On Monday we looked at the front cover and became story detectives to answer the following questions:
What do you know about the story?
What do you think will happen in the story?
What do you think the dream is? Why is it called FaRther?
Week beginning 16th October
Y4 at the Sunderland Skipping Festival at The Beacon of Light.
Examples Exp.MOV

Hop and swap expected.MOV

Week beginning 9th October
In Science this week, the pupils worked in groups to discuss food chains and food webs using the terminology producer, consumer, secondary and tertiary consumers, prey, predator, scavenger…
Y4 Now press play enrichment session based on Boudicca’s Iceni rebellion against the Roman army in Britain.
Week Beginning 2nd October
This week in science, we have been learning about the digestive system. We found out that when we chew our food saliva helps to mush the food which makes it easier to swallow. When we swallow it
the food goes through our oesophagus and into our stomach. When it is in the stomach the food gets broken down further by acids. It then travels to the small intestine which takes out all the nutrients and good things from the food. After that it passes through the large intestine and then through the anus as faeces (poo). Have a look at our model of how the digestive system works in these pictures.
Ordered sequence of the digestive system
In art this week we have been investigating how to create secondary colours and then develop different shades and tints of a particular colour.
In maths we have been counting in tens, hundreds and thousands. We have also been investigating the relationship between these values in practical terms such as measuring.
Week beginning 25th September
We have started a new book in literacy this week. It is an explanation text which helps us understand how things such as toasters work. Our first task was to identify the key features of an explanation text.
Week Beginning 18.9.23
This week we have worked on investigating the Roman Army and what made it such a successful fighting force which was able to expand the Roman Empire.
This week we have been working with a local artist, Emma Sheridan, to create a banner for the Houghton feast based around George Stephenson and the Hetton Railway Trail.
Week beginning 11th September
This week, in science we looed at the different types of teeth humans have and the jobs each set of teeth do.
We then investigated our own teeth and how advanced our adult teeth are in growing.
Y4 went to the official opening of the Hetton Park tennis courts on Thursday.
Hopefully we have some budding tennis stars of the future.
Keep an eye out for some photographs of the event in the Sunderland Echo.
Week beginning 4.9.23
What a lovely first we back we have had. the children have been an absolute pleasure and have setttled really well and produced some fantastic pieces of work.
We have also had a visit from the Tyne and wear Fire Brigade to talk to us about fire safety in our homes.
We identified dangers in the home which could lead to fires and discussed the importance of smoke alarms and an escape plan in the event of a fire. We were shocked to learn that we should not leave our mobile phones on charge over night as the phone can heat up and cause a fire!
In literacy we have been looking at the story 'Varmints'. We have produced some great pieces of writing from this already.
In maths we have been working on regrouping and column addition strategies to add numbers together.
Year 4 focusing on their football dribbling skills during PE this week.