The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This week we have read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and we have used this story to learn about what will happen to our caterpillars as they grow. We have been observing our caterpillars closely to see if we can spot the next stage of their growth. They are not yet cacoons but they are also not little caterpillars any more - they are big fat caterpillars!

We have listened to the story and we have watched the video of the story and we can now retell the story ourselves. We have been reading the book ourselves and we have been reading it to our friends! We have also sequenced the story and started to retell the story using our phonics. We are so proud of ourselves! We also all learnt to retell the story in Makaton. We loved doing this!

We used our work on the Hungry Caterpillar to develop our counting, sequencing and fine motor skills.

We also used the story to develop our understanding of healthy and unhealthy foods. We sorted the foods into the 2 food groups. We then looked at and tried lots of the fruit and vegetables the hungry caterpillar ate. We used these to make our own fruit kebab healthy caterpillar treats which we all ate and enjoyed!!!

This week we have also started to learn about 'how many altogether' in maths. We used our tens frames and double sided counters to help us. This was tricky as it was new but we worked really hard and we are now beginning to be able to find out how many altogether ourselves!