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Who's Who


Mrs Maureen Wren

Chair of Governors

Date of appointment: 10.02.23

Term of office: 09.02.27

Responsibilities: Safeguarding, Maths, Safer recruitment and Vulnerable Groups Link Governor,

Committees: Personnel, Pupil Discipline, Complaints, Finance and Premises, School Improvement and Head Teacher Performance Management.

Business/Pecuniary interests: none recorded.

Attendance at meetings 22/23: 100%

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%


Vice Chair: Mrs Leslie Stevens

Date of appointment: 03.06.23

Term of office: 04.06.27

Responsibilities: Vulnerable Groups and SEND Link Governor.

Committees:  Pupil Discipline and School Improvement.

Business/Pecuniary interests: 

Attendance at meetings 22/23: 100%

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%


Head Teacher: Mrs Nicola Hill

Date of appointment: 24.4.17

Term of office: 23.4.25

Business/Pecuniary interests: Governor at a Durham LA Primary School

Attendance at meetings 22/23: 100%

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%


Mrs Sara Toole - Co-opted Governor

Date of appointment: 14.05.23

Term of office: 13.05.27

Responsibilities: English Link Governor.

Committees:  Finance and Premises, Pupil discipline and School Improvement.

Business/Pecuniary interests: 

Attendance at meetings 22/23: 100%

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%


Mrs Kay Rooks - Co-opted Governor

Date of appointment: 14.12.21

Term of office: 13.12.25

Responsibilities: Early Years Link Governor.

Committees:  Personnel and Head Teacher Performance Management.

Business/Pecuniary interests: none recorded.

Attendance at meetings 22/23: 100%

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%


Cllr Iain Scott - Co-opted Governor

Date of appointment: 29.3.22

Term of office: 28.3.26

Responsibilities: Vulnerable groups, PE and Sports Premium Link Governor.

Committees:  Personnel and Complaints.

Business/Pecuniary interests: 

Attendance at meetings 22/23:

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%



Scott Nell - Parent Governor

Date of appointment: 22.11.23

Term of office: 21.11.27

Responsibilities: Vulnerable groups.

Committees:  Complaints and Finance and Premises.

Business/Pecuniary interests: 

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%


Mr Graham Avent - Co-opted Governor

Date of appointment: 12.7.22

Term of office: 11.7.26

Responsibilities: PE and Sports Premium and RE Link Governor.

Committees:  Personnel Appeals, Pupil Discipline and Finance and Premises.

Business/Pecuniary interests: 

Attendance at meetings 22/23: 100%

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%


Mrs Emma Withers - Parent Governor

Date of appointment: 19.10.22

Term of office: 18.10.26

Responsibilities: RE Link Governor.

Committees:  School Improvement.

Business/Pecuniary interests: 

Attendance at meetings 22/23: 100%

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%


Mrs Gillian Medhurst (Staff Governor)

Date of appointment: 27.9.19

Term of office: 26.9.23

Business/Pecuniary interests: Governor at local primary school

Attendance at meetings 22/23: 100%

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%


Mrs Jo Woodhall (Associate Governor)

Date of appointment: 22.5.17

Term of office: 21.5.23

Business/Pecuniary interests: Governor at local primary school

Attendance at meetings 22/23: 100%

Attendance at meetings 23/24: 100%


Clerk to the Governing Body: Mrs Julie Maggiore

