Emerald Class
Welcome to Emerald Class.
I am Mrs Morris - Year 1 Class Teacher.
We use RWI Phonics. Please use the following links to the RWI Virtual Classrooms to help practise set 2 and set 3 sounds.
Special friends, Fred Talk, Read the word.
Autumn 1 MTP
Please find below information on what the children will be learning this half term. We have lots of exciting topics to explore and I promise to post lots of photos of our amazing learning.
Autumn 2 MTP
Please find information on what the children will be learning this half term. We have lots of exciting topics! Please check the website weekly for updates on the children's learning. I will post lots of photographs.
Spring 1 MTP
Please find information on what the children will be learning this half term. We have lots of exciting topics! Please check the website weekly for updates on the children's learning. I will post lots of photographs.
W.B 13.1.25
This week in Maths we have focused on numbers to 20. The children have used different resources to make their teen numbers. We have specifically focused on 10,11,12,13,14,15 and 16 this week. We played a game were we had to find our partner with the same number. Take a look at the photos below. In English, we have written letters to Beegu giving her advice on how to find her Mam. In Science, we look at different objects and made a table identifying the materials they were made from. In History, we have started looking at toys from the past. We had a very interesting discussion about toys we play with and the toys our grown ups would have played with when they were younger.
W.B 6.1.25
What a wonderful first week back we have had. The children have worked super hard. In Maths, we are starting to learn our numbers to 20. We have used different concrete resources to help us make our teen numbers. In Art, we have started printing with Mrs Medhurst. We used different objects to make patterns with. In Science, we have started learning about everyday materials. We identified lots of different everyday materials then went on a material hunt to find objects made of these materials. Take a look at our photos to see what we found. In ICT, we have become maze runners. We had to program our icon to move in different directions and get around the maze. It was lots of fun!
Reindeer Dash
Christmas Party Day
Today was Christmas jumper day at school. We posed for our photos and pretended we were holding lights as we were making our Christmas calendars. We also had our Christmas dinner at school today and it was very yummy! We have been busy rehearsing for our play and we did a dress rehearsal in front of school. The grown ups were very impressed. We can’t wait to do it for our grown ups.
W.B 2.12.24
After coming into the classroom on Monday to lots of mess, we decided we needed to catch the culprit. We made wanted posters and used adjectives to describe the monster!
In Maths we have impressed Mrs Morris with our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. In Geography, we made a map of the classroom so that anyone coming to visit could find their way round. We used photos to help. Our nativity rehearsals are in full flow and we’ve brought Mrs Morris to tears with our gorgeous singing! Another super week - well done Emerald Class.
This morning, Emerald Class came into school to a very messy classroom. We discovered the beast from our story, Billy and the Beast, had come to visit and left a trail of destruction! We explored the classroom to see if we could find him and capture him! We didn’t manage to find him, so we are going to make wanted posters so everyone knows there is a beast on the loose!
W.B 25.11.24
This week have finished our independent writing. Mrs Morris is super impressed with our fantastic retell of the story. In Maths, we have impressed the grown ups in our classroom with our excellent recall of number facts. In ICT, we have been looking at making and analysing pictograms. We had lots of fun creating a pictogram about our favourite food. The deal was that Mrs Morris had to buy the most popular food as a snack! We enjoyed some delicious chocolate brownies. We have played with some exciting new maths and phonics games in our continuous provision. They were lots of fun!
W.B 18.11.24
This week, Rabbit from our story needed our help. He was going on a journey to find Bear and say sorry for pinching his hat. Emerald Class helped Rabbit pack his bag and made sure he had everything he needed for his journey. We wrote a list to make sure he knew what he had in his bag. In Geography, we have been learning about our local area and where we live. We went for a very cold walk on Thursday and spotted lots of different types of houses, shops, our school and even the swimming baths. We couldn’t wait to get back to school and warm up but we did enjoy it! We have also written letters to Santa and to make sure he got it we wrote his address on the envelope.
W.B 11.11.24
Wow, what a busy week we have had this week. Rememberance Day, Anti-Bullying Week, school photographs and OPAl. On Monday, we had a special assembly and took part in a two minute silence to show our respect. We also made a poppy wreath which is displayed in school. On Tuesday, we wore odd socks and took part in a secret kindness challenge. It was great seeing all the different ways people were showing kindness.
In English, we have continued to read our story and look at different views of the characters and the role they play in the story. In Maths, we have explored subtraction and used lots of practical resources to help us take away. In DT, we have begun looking at different mechanisms. We explored b oops that had sliders in them and we made our own character move using a slider.
Opal Afternoon - 13.11.24
The children had an awesome afternoon taking part in OPAL. There was lots of den building, teamwork and turn taking. They finished off the afternoon with milk and biscuits. Everyone had so much fun and big smiles on their faces!
W.B. 4.11.24
What a busy first week! We've had new topics, new stories and outdoor classroom day! The children loved taking their learning outside - we had so much fun. We introduced our new book, I want my Hat back and the children were amazing at thinking of questions to help them guess which hat the characters were wearing. In Maths, we have used practical resources to introduce subtraction. We were brilliant at finding the missing part in our part whole models. In Geography, we were looking at our local area and where we live. We had to draw and talk about our homes. We looked at different types of houses and talked about whether we lived in a detached house, semi-detached, bungalow or terrace house. Mrs Morris challenged us to write our address too!
W.B. 21.10.24
Emerald Class got creative this afternoon and enjoying doing lots of Halloween crafts. We made pumpkins, ghosts, mummies and ghost biscuits. It was great fun!
This week we have impressed Mrs Morris with our independent writing. We have used adjectives to describe the different animals from the story Cave Baby. We've practising counting this week and even counted all the way to 100! We have been maths detectives and solved tricky addition problems. In Science we have remembered lots of information about what animals eat.
Well done on a fantastic half term in Emerald Class, Year 1. Keep up the good work! Happy half term!
W.B 14.10.24
This week, for Black History Month, we have learnt about Wilston Samuel Jackson. He was the first black train driver. We talked about how he was very resilient and never gave up on his dreams. We learnt a song about trains, looked at photographs of the trains he drove and watched a video of a little girl who went on a train ride. We had lots of fun dressing up as train drivers and role playing what it was like to be on a train. We even had our own train tickets!
W.B 07.10.24
What a busy week Emerald Class have had. We started our new story, Cave Baby and we got into role by acting out the different characters in the story. There was some very scary bear impressions, some fierce tigers and cute babies! In Maths we have begun using part whole models to help us write addition number sentences. In Science we have explored what animals eat. We learnt the definition of the words omnivore, carnivore and herbivore. We then decided which category each animal belonged to depending on what they eat. We have loved using the iPads in ICT. We explored purple mash, learnt how to log in using our username and password and created our own avatars. It was lots of fun!
W.B 30.09.24
This week we have begun our new Maths unit. We have started to look at part whole models. Today we had part whole models drawn on our tables and we had to use cubes to find the parts that made the whole. We were very quick at finding different ways of making 5, 6 and 7. We could even say what our two parts where that made the whole. In Science, we have been learning about animals and how to classify them. Last week, we sorted them into groups based on things they had in common e.g. if they could fly, if they had four legs etc. This week we have looked at key vocabulary and we have put them into groups. We sorted the animals into mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish. We even helped Mrs Morris to create our display on our working wall.
W.B. 23.09.24
This week, Emerald Class have worked super hard. We have been learning new sounds in phonics and practising to write our sound and blend sounds we already know to read words. In English, we retold the story of The Colour Monster goes to School. We discussed how the colour monster would feel on his first day of school and related it to how some of us felt. But just like us, by the end of the story the colour monster loved school. We rehearsed the story and came up with actions to help us remember when writing our sentences. Mrs Morris and Mrs Finnigan were very impressed with our oral retell and independent writing. We used our phonics to help us write super sentences! In Maths, we were comparing numbers and deciding whether a number was greater than or less than the other number. We used cubes and built towers to help us decide which was the bigger number.
W.B. 16.09.24
Emerald Class have written super sentences this week. They have been trying really hard to remember their capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
In Maths, we have continued to practise counting forwards and backwards to 10. We have began finding 1 more and 1 less than a number within 10. In Science we are looking at our senses. We had lots of fun looking in the different bags and using our senses to describe what we could smell and feel. We listened carefully in the classroom to all the different sounds we could hear and we described lots of different objects we could see.
This week, we have visited the school library and have been able to take our very own library book home to read with our grown ups! We were very excited!
W.B 09.09.24
The children have settled into Year 1 amazingly! They are all fabulous. We have began learning lots of new topics and have impressed our grown ups in the classroom with our awesome work.
In English, we have began reading a story called The Colour Monster. We designed our own colour monsters and have been writing lots of sentences to describe how he is feeling. In Maths, we have been working super hard with our counting and sorting of objects. Ask us how we can sort different objects into groups! In Science, we talked about the human body and labelled our body parts. We drew round one of the children so we could label the different parts. In History, we have began to learn about how we can find out more about ourselves when we were younger.
A very, busy week for all of Emerald Class. The children have followed our golden rules and school values and have been responsible when it came to tidying our classroom. Well done, Emerald Class. Keep up the super work!