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Amethyst Class

Welcome to Amethyst Class: Year 6


Thursday 19th May


We are learning about the 1980's linked to our whole school topic of

Queen Elizabeth through the decades to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee.

This afternoon we worked in groups to research the 1980's.


We looked at: Prince Charles and Princess Diana's wedding, The Falklands War,

The Mining Strike in Hetton-le-Hole, 1980's Music, Fashion, Inventions and Cars.


Tuesday 17th May


In Art we have been drawing portraits of the Queen based on Andy Warhol pop art.

We used different techniques of tracing, sketching, and painting to create our artwork. 

We used contrasting colours to replicate Andy Warhol's work and then combined

all of our efforts together to make a wonderful classroom display!


Monday 16th May


This week Year 6 have taken part in the 'Bikeability' Programme. 

They looked at how to ride their bikes safely and had lots of practice.

Some children even went out of school to practice on the roads.


Friday 13th May



A huge congratulations to Year 6, today we've celebrated with music,

the pirate game, playing outdoors and lots and lots of food! 


Thursday 12th May


We've officially finished our KS2 SATS! The determination and resilience

from the children has been amazing. We couldn't be prouder - Well done Year 6!


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Tuesday 10th May


Today we sat our Reading test! It's amazing to see how much progress the

children have made. Lots of happy, smiley faces after the test! 


Monday 9th May


Year 6 enjoying their pre-SATS breakfast! Today we had pancakes.

Some children couldn't decide which topping they would like, so in true

Year 6 fashion, they used their knowledge of fractions to divide their 

pancakes into quarters so that they could have all 4 toppings!


Friday 6th May


As SATS week approaches us, I just wanted to send a little reminder to all

of our children about how amazing they are and how proud of them we are.


You've worked so hard all year, keep shining like the superstars we already know you are!


Thursday 28th April


This week we have been working really hard revising for our upcoming SATS.

Today, we focused on different tenses and how to identify and change sentences.



Easter Holidays


Just a little note  to firstly say what a wonderful term we have had in Year 6. I can’t stress enough how much progress the children have made in every subject, and I couldn’t be prouder of them. When we return from the holidays, we will be on our final countdown to the SAT tests. As always, all I ask of them is to try their very best as they always do! I am excited for them to sit the tests and see how well they can achieve as I’m confident they are going to shine!


They will be coming home with a pack of work to complete over Easter, how much or how little they do is up to them. It does not need to be completed every day or all in one go. Small amounts will benefit them greatly! The idea is that each section should only take around 10 minutes a day (30 minutes in total for Reading, SPAG and Maths).


This work does not need to be completed independently, I would love if you could support your child in any questions they need. Have a wonderfully restful holidays and I will see you when we return.


Miss Oldroyd


Wednesday 6th April


During the Spring term in PE, we have been focusing on dance and gymnastics.

We have looked at different ways of expressing ourselves and different balances.

We focused on reflecting on our own performance and how we could evaluate and improve.


Friday 1st April


This afternoon we took part in a range of science activities linked to our topic 'Light'.

We were investigation how light travels and how it is reflected in mirrors.

One of our tasks was to write a word on a post it note and stick it on our partners

back, they then had to use mirrors to try and work out what the word said!


Thursday 31st March


Its not often we get snow (especially at the end of March). Year 6 took full

advantage of it and definitely deserved a quick break to run around after how

hard they've been working recently! Keep up the great work Year 6.

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Wednesday 30th March


This afternoon we took part in a science experiment on refraction. 

Mrs Marsden said the children were absolutely fantastic, a pleasure to teach

because they were so engaged and wanted to learn. Super proud Year 6!

Tuesday 29th March


This week we are focusing on statistics in Maths, we have been learning how

to calculate the mean average of a set of data. Today we looked at line graphs, we 

had to interpret data from the line graphs and use it to answer questions.

Thursday 24th March


This morning we took part in another dance workshop with Dance City.

This weeks focus was Break dancing. The children thoroughly enjoyed

the session and a lot of children were noticed as being naturally talented!

They were invited along to audition for the Centre for Advanced Training. 

Watch our video below!


Friday 18th March


Today we raised money to support the Ukraine Crisis by holding a Sunflower Day. We planted

our own sunflowers and then did some artwork this afternoon. We had to draw a design

into polystyrene and then print it with paint to make the centre of our sunflower.

We also made a poster as a class to show our support towards Ukraine.


Thursday 17th March


This afternoon we took part in a Contemporary dance workshop with Dance City.

The children were super resilient and gave everything a try; we have some super dancers.

Some lucky children were handpicked to attend workshops at the dance studios!


One child even received a 'You've been spotted' achievement and was

invited along to audition for the C.A.T - Centre for Advanced Training!


Have a look below at our video!


Contemporary Dance Workshop

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Wednesday 16th March


This week in school it is British Science Week. Our focus is on

air pollution, we've been looking at the causes and the impacts of air pollution.

This afternoon, we became atmospheric scientists and had to look at and

analyse data from graphs liked to air pollution. Each group had a different

graph to look at,  we had to work together to decide what the graph was 

showing and then present our findings to the rest of the class.



Friday 11th March


Today we looked at a cartoon from WW2.

We had to examine the cartoon and infer 10 ways from the image that Britain were

able to stand firm against the Germans and explain how these things helped.


Thursday 10th March


This week we have been writing our stories based on 'Letters from the Lighthouse'. 

Our narratives had to include an element of suspense and aim to build tension.

I am so proud of all of the children for how much their writing has improved.

Here's an example of one piece which blew us away!



Wednesday 9th March


FA Football 'Let Girls Play' Event. This afternoon our girls took part

in the nationwide Let Girls Play Event. They really enjoyed themselves!


Friday 4th March


Today we visited Nissan to take part in the Monozukuri Caravan event. Throughout the day

we got to learn all about the work that goes on at Nissan and where the company

originated from. We were given the opportunity to build our own lego cars in pairs before

working as a team on our own production line making lego cars. The day was fantastic

from beginning to end and the children were complimented for their fantastic

attitudes, listening skills and behaviour. A super day well done Year 6!


Thursday 3rd March


Today was World Book Day and we celebrated by dressing up as our favourite characters

from books! We watched the live World Book Day event 'Matilda and Friends'

which we really enjoyed. It is definitely worth a watch through the link below! 


Wednesday 2nd March


This afternoon, a group of Year 6 were chosen to take part in a glass workshop

with Year 5. The artist made small glass panels with the children to form part

of a sculpture celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Hetton railway.



Monday 28th February


Today we talked about the current crisis in Ukraine. We discussed what was happening,

how we felt about it and what other countries were doing to support Ukraine.

We then focused on what a refugee is: we talked about how it must feel to be a refugee,

reasons why people may choose to leave their home and what we feel refugees deserve.


The children were very mature about such a sensitive topic.


Thursday 17th February


Today we took part in the Secret Bunker Challenge with a box of WW2 artefacts we borrowed from the Discovery Museum. We learned all about Kenton Secret Bunker in Newcastle. This was where all of the RAF for the North East, Scotland and Northern Ireland were commanded during WW2. We learned about the jobs they did inside the bunker and how important they were in helping save lives. One of the activities we took part in was a plotting activity where someone had to act as the commander whilst the others used plotting sticks to move the enemy aircraft and friendly aircraft around the map following the commanders instructions. We learned that it was vital to stay calm as any mistakes could cost lives. 


Other activities we took part in was learning how to plot enemy and friendly aircrafts,

examining real artefacts from WW2, exploring maps to find there bombs had dropped,

learning morse code and identifying different types of British and German planes.


I’m sure your children will be able to tell you all about what they’ve been doing today!

Tracking friendly and enemy aircraft

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Thursday 10th February


Today we took part in Children's Mental Health Week. The theme for this years

event was 'Dress to Express' so we got to wear what makes us happy in school.

This afternoon, we completed some artwork which included us thinking about what

attributes and skills we need to support our own mental health.


Friday 4th February


Today we learned all about evacuation. When we came into the classroom, we were

given a character card to become that person. We all had different roles; some of us

were people who wanted to take in evacuees and others were people who didn't. We

had to go around the classroom and listen to each others views to decide what we

thought of evacuation and learn why some people were for and against it. 


This afternoon, we learnt about the experience of evacuees, we linked this to our

Maths curriculum and looked at the nets of cuboids and made our own pop up evacuee

suitcases. Inside we drew all the things we would take with us if we were evacuated.


Pop up evacuee suitcase.

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Thursday 20th January


Look at those smiles!

Year 6 learning to do a new WW2 style dance ‘The Lambeth Walk’.
I was so impressed with how quickly they picked this up. I wonder what dance we’ll do next?

The Lambeth Walk WW2 Dance.

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Monday 17th January


Our new class novel for this half term is a wonderful story called Letters from the

lighthouse. It’s my absolute favourite story to read with Year 6 every year as it’s so

well written and develops their knowledge of WW2 alongside their topic!


Wednesday 12th January


This afternoon we took part in a class debate linked to our new topic WWII. We have

been learning about the policy of appeasement and whether Neville Chamberlain was right

to adopt this policy. The children had to debate reasons for and against and were

excellent at sharing their examples and coming up with counter arguments!


Ask them about the pro's and con's of appeasement!

Year 6 Debate

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Friday 7th January


This afternoon we investigated creating our own circuits.

We looked at circuits involving light bulbs, motors and buzzers. 


Thursday 6th January


Today we started our new History unit on WW2. We looked at the different

significant events and turning points and researched them in more detail. Our task was

to create a visual timetable detailing the key dates with what happened.


Wednesday 5th January


This half term our PE focus is going to be dance! We kick started the unit with looking

at the classic Charleston dance style. We watched different examples and talked about

how everyone added their own unique style and flair to the dance. We also discussed that

they all looked like they were having fun so the key part of this dance was to enjoy ourselves!


Watch our dancing in the video below!

Charleston Dance

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Monday 13th December


Wow! Year 6 sure know how to do a Christmas party!

Watch the video below to see what they got up to.

Year 6 Christmas Party

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Friday 10th December


Christmas jumper day and the Santa Dash all rolled into one!

Santa Dash

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Monday 6th December


Year 6 enjoying Movie Night after school tonight.


Friday 19th November


Today we visited Hetton School to take part in a sports festival. We got to take part

in a range of activities including: Netball, Tennis, Dodgeball, Skipping, Football,

Athletics and Tag Rugby. Watch our video below to see what we got up to!

Sports Festival

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Tuesday 16th November


This week it is Anti Bullying Week. The focus of this year's Anti Bullying week has been

'One Kind Word'. We have been discussing what it means to be kind and how our actions

affect others. Today we thought about the people in our support network and how

they help us and thought about words and phrases that promoted kindness. 


Can you think of any words to add to our list?


Thursday 4th November


This afternoon we took part in a Gymnastics and Trampolining event at

AAA Sports in Sunderland. We had so much fun and we hope we get to go back.

Watch our video to see lots of happy smiling faces!

AAA Sports

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Friday 21st October


This half term year 6 have worked towards a whole class reward. They have been collecting

golden tickets which got them different rewards which they chose to collate into one big

reward! This afternoon, we’re having a movie afternoon watching Holes which we’ve just

finished reading! They’ve got their pyjamas on with their doughnuts and cans of pop!

This was the children’s choice about what they wanted to work towards.

I’m so super proud of how they’ve settled into year 6, they’re working extremely hard and

they’re excellent role models for the whole school. Keep it up year 6! We’re all so proud of you.


Friday 15th October


This half term we have been developing our throwing and catching skills in PE. We have

worked on different kinds of throws and challenged ourselves to make it more challenging by using different sized balls. We had to apply the skills we'd learnt into a range of different games.


Wednesday 6th October


Today we went over to Hetton School to have a go on a climbing wall. We also

got the chance to go through a mobile caving system, we had to wear helmets

with torches on because inside the caving system it was very dark! 


Wednesday 15th September


Today we went on a school visit to the Yorkshire Dales. After a magical mystery bus ride

to get there, we had some time to play in the park and then went on a moorland walk. We got

to see lots of wildlife and use our senses to help us spot things. Everytime we saw something

interesting we had to shout 'cabbages' as loud as we could (which very quickly got annoying haha!)

We then went back to the Youth Hostel and took part in some drawing, we had to listen

carefully and draw what we could hear. 
