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Summer 2 - Curriculum Information and Weekly Learning Updates

Summer 2 -  Sports afternoon

This afternoon Reception took part in the lower school sports afternoon on Hetton School field. The children had the best time! They had fun, took part in everything, tried their best and were supportive of each other! Go Team Reception! You were amazing ! 🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅

Summer 2 -Week 5: All about lighthouses

This week we have continued our beach themed work and we have been learning all about lighthouses. We have used the book The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch to help with our learning. We have read and sequenced the story and we have used the story to do some amazing writing this week. 

We looked at the lunch which the lighthouse keeper had sent to him every day - the tasty lunch the seagulls pinched each day. We designed and made (and ate haha) our own tasty packed lunch. Seagulls even came swooping on our lunch while we ate it outside haha.

We also explored what lighthouses look like - there shape and colour - and how they work, we explored electrical circuits. We looked at what a circuit is and the components which are needed to make a complete circuit. We experimented with making our own circuits to see if we could make a bulb light and then we explored with buzzers. Some of us even managed to make a circuit with a bulb and a buzzer! We then all made our own lighthouses which even light up!!!

This week we also worked together to turn our role play area into an ice cream shop. We had an official opening by having a real icecream!

We have had a lovely week this week and really impressed our grown ups with our writing, behaviour and everything we have learnt, 

Summer 2 - Week 4:  The beach in the past

This week we have been looking at how things change.  We started by looking back at our visit to the beach last week and at the photos we took of our visit.  We then looked at some pictures of visits to the beach in the past.

We were very good at talking about the differences and how things have changed.  We noticed clothes and deck chairs and the fact that we could not see any buckets and spades.  We decided you would be very hot going to the beach in the past as they worse lots of clothes.  We were fascinated learning about the swimming huts that were used in the past when people wanted to go for a swim! We all decided though that we would much prefer to go to the beach today for lots of reasons.

We learnt that ice cream is popular at the beach now and it was in the past!  We were pleased about this as we all love ice cream.  We made play dough ice-creams and we made mud ice-creams and we have asked if we can make our role play area into an ice-cream van!  We have started helping our grown-ups to do this.

We also learnt about Punch and Judy.  We watched a Punch and Judy show and we giggled.  We then developed our cutting skills to make our own Punch and Judy stick puppets.  Next week we are going to use these to make our own puppet show.

This week we also looked lots of developing our understanding and recall of bonds to 10.  

Summer 2 - Week 3: The beach!

This week we kicked off our topic about the summer and the beach with a trip to the seaside. We played in the park, had a picnic, ate ice-cream with sprinkles, played in the sand and went in the sea! We had the best time learning first hand all about the beach!

This week Reception also celebrated National Rare Chromosome day. We learnt about how everyone is different and everyone is unique and that different and unique is good. We learnt about how time cells which are already in our body when we are born decided how we will grow up, what we will be able to do what we will look like. We talked about how theses cells are unique - just like our finger prints - and they make us us! We used the story of Elmer to help us understand. Reception came to school in their school uniform but they changed one part of it to show that we are all one big group in the same school but we are all unique and special. See if you can spot how we made ourselves unique! 

Summer 2 - Week 2: Pirates!

Last week in the environment the children started to draw and follow their own treasure maps so this week we followed their interests and decided to learn more about pirates.  What a fun week we have had! When we came in on Monday we found clues as to who could have been in our room over the weekend - jewels and a treasure chest and a real pirate map.  We loved following the map! We looked at all of the things that are put on pirate maps and we made our own.  Ours didn't look like a real pirate map though as it was the wrong colour.  We had good fun making our pirate maps look old!

We then looked closely at pirates and what they wore and if they looked friendly.  We decided that we wouldn't like to be friends with most pirates!  We did lots of observational drawings and painting of pirates and we learnt about adjectives so that we could describe the pirates in our Wanted poster writing! We hope our posters get these naughty pirates found!

We then learnt about pirate ships - we looked at their features and we named all the parts.  We then had great fun making our own pirate boats and using them for role play. 

We even developed our balancing skills by walking the plank! Arrr, Arrgh me hearties!

We have loved learning about pirates.

Summer 2 - Week 1 .  The tiger who came to tea.

This week we have been learning all about tigers. We shared the week learning facts about tiger and exploring where they live and finding out everything about tigers. We compared their habitats to where we live. We looked closely at tigers - their colours and their features and their unique patterns and we used our observational skills to make our own tiger pictures. 

We also used our phonics to write our own tiger fact sheets. We could recall some amazing facts and we could also write them down independently.

We then read The Tiger who came to Tea. We loved the story. We read it lots of times and eventually we could join in with the retell and we could also use the story language we learnt to retell the story to our friends. We thought about what animal we would like to come to tea. We used circle time to share our ideas using connectives like because and so and but to extended our sentences as we described our choices and reasons. We used the iPad to find pictures of the animal we chose and then we made observational drawings. We then wrote a sentence independently explaining which animal we would like to come for tea. 

We talked about how Sophie and her mammy and daddy visited a cafe in the story and do you know what……we all went to visit a cafe too! We were all given our own money which we could use to place our order. We all asked for what we would like and we all paid for our order. Our speaking and our manners were amazing! People in the cafe and the cafe lady commented on our manners and our behaviour. We loved having our snack in the cafe.  We even had a table reserved just for us!

While we were at the cafe we visited the Family Hub and played in their play area. It was amazing and the ladies said a big thank you to us at the end as we had been so well behaved and we even tidied us after ourselves!

When we came back to school we were desperate to make our own cafe because we had had so much fun. We decided we wanted cakes and juice in our cafe and we wanted to invite some of our teachers too so we made cakes and wrote invitations (independently). We had the best time in our ‘outdoor cafe’ taking advantage of the lovely sunny weather. 

This week we have also been learning all about odd and even numbers to 10. We can tell you all about odd and even numbers and we can sort and identify odd and even numbers to 10. Today we did an independent maths job all about odd and even numbers. We followed instructions, worked independently and did am amazing job showing super understanding. We really are becoming super little mathematicians!

This week we have also loved exploring outdoors and we have been making our own water systems. We have been experimenting with the best way to get water from the top to the bottom and our challenge was not to spill any!!!! We are not sure we met this challenge 🙈 We then set ourselves the challenge of making the duck swim from the top to the bottom. We have had so much fun, shown so much team work and problem solving skills and we have also shown resilience and perseverance while also laughing lots and getting very soggy! 
