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Meet our new MINI PLAY TEAM!


William S, Jak, Kalli-Jo, Josh, Ella-Maye, Jacob, Declan, Keean, Peggy, Terri-Mae and Lucy.


Their application forms really showed how important they know PLAY is for all children and that they want ALL children to have a positive play experience.

At OPAL we have seen just how much of an impact improving play can make to a school. We are not just talking about playtimes being a bit less bother or about children being a bit happier. We are talking about cultural transformation.

When you address a need that is so fundamental to the physical and mental wellbeing of children as play, and you do it well, it is impossible to think of how you ran a school and didn’t do this.

Our vision is that every child in every school has an amazing hour of high quality play every day – with no exceptions. If one child is not enjoying playtimes, then things still need improving.

We want every school to plan for, resource and evaluate the quality of their play provision as if it were an important human right, essential to all aspects of children’s development and a source of joy and happiness that every child can access because it is all of these things.

We have introduced OPAL from September 2023 and so far, the feedback from children is very positive! They are enjoying the range of play opportunities every lunchtime...with more planned each week. 

Our OPAL assemblies are every fortnight and we have introduced a weekly 'play' award - head over to our awards page and see who has been nominated so far.


TUESDAY 11th JUNE 2024


Wow!!! We all had the best day of extended play to celebrate International day of play.

The day started with a whole school assembly on why it is important for PLAY to be part of our lives.

Every class in school, from our youngest to our oldest (including staff) had an extended play session outside. We are RESILIENT and don't let the weather stop us so were outside no matter what!

The children and staff were nominated for awards throughout the day and we came together at 3pm to share our achievements. 


Our next big celebration will be....INTERNATIONAL MUD DAY! 
