After School Clubs
After-school Club update for September 2023
After-school club will be available every night of the school week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - from 3:30pm until 5pm.
The children will take part in a range of activities and be offered a light snack and drink.
Prices are as follows:
3:30pm-4:30pm = £2 each day.
3:30pm-5pm = £4 each day.
Your child can be booked onto our after-school clubs via the school gatewap app.
If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Gardiner at the main office on 0191 5623323.
Autumn 2022 After-school clubs
Tuesday: Art Club Years 1-3
Tuesday: Drama Club Years 3-6
Wednesday: Board Games Years 1-6
Thursday: Film Club Years 1-6
Thursday: Football Club Years 5-6
Friday: Karate Club Years 3-6
Friday: Ukulele Club Years 3-6
Clubs are £1 per child each week. To book a place for your child, please go to your SchoolComms app.
Following the national lockdown In January 2021, schools were under tight restrictions and visitors to school were limited.
Since the children returned on 12th April, we have taken small steps to re-introduce peripatetic staff: our school counsellor, Yoga teacher, Music specialist and French teacher.
After school clubs will be organised for Summer 2.
Our partnership with Active Families NE continues this year with some modified clubs for the Autumn Term in our bubble groups.
Clubs will start in week 3 - 14th September.....
Monday - Year 5, Fitness Camp
Tuesday - Year 4 and Year 6, Boxercise
Wednesday - Year 2 and Year 3, Pound Rockout
Thursday - Year 1 and Reception, Yoga
All clubs will run until 4.10pm - and are free to attend (but numbers are limited). Please book via Schoolcomms.
Spring Term 2022
We will be offering a tea-time club every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday until 4pm for any school-aged child. The cost each night will be £1 and you must book your child in with the school office.
Tuesday - singing and games.
Wednesday - arts and crafts.
Thursday - Disney Plus and ipads.
The children will be offered a drink and a snack.