Amber Class
W.B 18.7.22
What a year it has been! Amber Class I am so proud of everything you have achieved! You have worked your socks off and I couldn't have asked for more. You have made me smile each and every day and the work you have produced has been amazing. I know you will continue to be fabulous as you move into year 5! Enjoy your summer! Love Mrs Morris x
Thank you for an amazing year Amber Class! You have worked so hard and deserve a fabulous summer! Enjoy year 5! Love Miss Carr x
W.B 4.7.22
This week, Amber Class have continued to learn about shape in maths. We love becoming shape detectives and guessing what shapes our peers are thinking of. In English, we have loved writing about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We wrote our story from Grandpa Jo's perspective. In Science we have learnt lots about our teeth and how to keep them healthy. In PSHCE, we have been learning about how our bodies change when we grow. In Geography we have learnt all about rivers that are local to us. We also got to spend two days with our new teacher which was extremely fun! We worked very hard for our new teacher and did lots of group work and fun activities.
W.B 13.6.22
This week, Amber Class have began looking at the story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They have written some excellent sentences in their sentence stacking sessions.
We are continuing to learn about time in Maths. We can now tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes and are learning the difference between the 12 hour clock and the 24 hour clock.
In Science, we have been learning about teeth. We had a very interesting lesson with Miss Carr. We looked at the affect sugary drinks have on our teeth. We did this by putting white eggs (the tooth's enamel) into coke, orange juice and milk. The eggs in the coke have began to crack which shows that sugary drinks can cause cavities in our teeth if we don't brush them properly. We also created a comic strip to inform Year 1 of how to keep their teeth healthy.
This week, we have gone down in Hetton Primary School history. We are the first class to ever officially complete the times table test. I am so proud of all of the children.
W.B 6.6.22
It has been a short week for Amber Class this week but we have still worked hard and learnt lots. We have finished off our decades work and showcased all of our excellent Jubilee work in the hall. In history, to tie in with our work on the decades, we have learnt what a school was like in the 1960s and compared them to schools today. Most of the children preferred what schools are like today!
In English, we have written a letter to Queen Elizabeth informing her of all our wonderful celebrations that happened over her Platinum Jubilee. There were lots of street parties happening. Today in English, we had a special treat. We had a virtual event with an author. This event inspired lots of great discussions about what the children would like to be when they are older and the different subjects we would need to be good at.
In Maths, we have started a new topic which is time. We have found it a little tricky but showed great resilience and determination to keep going. We have made Mrs Morris very proud. Perhaps we could practise telling the time at home with a grown up.
Keep up the good work Amber Class.
W.B 23.5.22
Half term is upon us and Amber Class have worked super hard. This half term we have focused a lot of our learning around the royal family and the jubilee. We are experts on the royal family! We have made a collage of the queen, we have looked at the royal family tree and created a timeline of Queen Elizabeth's life.
Although we have learnt lots about the royal family, we have still been working hard in Maths and English too! We have written a traditional tale and a non-chronological report about an animal we have learnt about in Science. In Maths our topic was money. Miss Carr set us a challenge over half term to go to the shops with a shopping list and work out how much money our shopping would total.
The final day of half term we celebrated the jubilee in style. We had afternoon tea, a celebration assembly, sang to our parents and we even had a visit from a VIP.
Well done Amber Class - keep up the good work!
A Royal Lemon Cake
Amber Class have been baking today in preparation for our Jubilee celebrations. We decided that the Queen would love a lemon cake for her royal afternoon tea party. Amber Class researched the ingredients they would need, sent Mrs Morris shopping, designed their cake and wrote a list of instructions ready to follow when they came to make the cake. I must say it was a royal success. Take a look at our pictures below.
Tag Rugby
On Monday, Amber Class went over to Hetton Comp to play tag rugby. We had lots of fun. We learnt new skills, the rules of the game and how to pass the ball. After playing some warm up games and practising the different skills, it was time to play the game. Mrs Morris was very impressed at the children's teamwork skills and some children even scored! Well done Amber Class.
Problem Solving!
Today, our Maths lesson was slightly different to usual. Mrs Morris gave us a problem that we had to solve.
We worked really hard to find the answer. Some of us found more than one answer and some of us found patterns within the numbers. We were asked to use the numbers 1 to 5 and put them in to a v shape with both arms of the v adding to the same total. Some of us worked in pairs, some worked in groups and some of us decided to work on our own. We used scrap paper first to give us the chance of playing around with the numbers.
W.B 16.5.22
This week we have been finding out lots about the Queen as we are celebrating the Platinum Jubilee next week in school. We have learnt about her family, her life and what it means to be a monarch. We have found out lots of interesting facts. Each year group had also been give a decade to focus on and Year 4's decade was the 1960s. We have looked at the fashion in the 1960s and the art work in the 1960s.
In Maths, we have been learning all about money! We wish we had as much as the Queen haha! We are genius' at converting pence to pounds and vice versa. We have also been adding money, finding change and ordering different amounts of money.
In Science, we have been learning about animals and their habitats. We know so much about different animals and different habitats that we decided to write a non-chronological report on the different animals. Mrs Morris was impressed with our writing and we even taught her a thing or two about animals and their habitats.
Take a look at our amazing work below!
W.B 09.05.22
What a week it has been in Amber Class.
In Maths, we have moved onto working on money. We have investigated different ways of making different amounts of money using different coins. We have also looked at converting between pounds and pence. On Friday, we have practised our 7 times table and found a song that teaches us all about the 7 times table. It's very catchy.
In English, we have independently written our take on The Princess and The Pea but with a slight twist. We have certainly impressed Mrs Morris with our stories and some children have blown her socks off with their handwriting and spelling.
In Science, we had lots of fun looking for minibeasts in our school gardens. We have been learning all about habitats and why habitats and suitable for certain animals to live in. We have begun looking at how a habitat can change and what impacts this has on animals. We talked about how our school environment has changed (with building the new school) and how that will have impacted some of our animals.
In History, we are continuing to learn all about the royal family. Our knowledge of different members of the royal family and how they are related is pretty impressive!
The multiplication check for Year 4 is creeping up on us - the exact date is on the newsletter. Please continue to practise all the times tables up to 12 x 12. There are lots of fun websites including times table rockstars to help.
Another fabulous week, well done Year 4.
W.B 2.5.22
This week Amber Class have worked super hard. We have finished our unit on decimals in maths and are moving on to learning about money.
In English, we enjoyed reading the story The Princess and The Pea. Next week we are going to write our own versions of the story and I am super excited to read them.
This half term, Laura (our music teacher) is working with us. We are learning about composition. We are also learning a new song for the Queen's Jubilee. In Pe we have started to practise skills to help us play hockey. Soon we will be able to play against each other in hockey matches. In science we have been looking at animals and their habitats. We used a classification key to sort the different animals into groups. See our pictures below.
This morning we have had a very creative morning. Miss Carr kindly planned some lovely Easter crafts for us to have a go at. We’ve made hens, daffodils, eggs and bird nests. Take a look at our masterpieces below.
WB 4.4.22
I can’t believe it’s half term already. The weeks have flown over and I’m sure that’s because Amber class have worked so hard this half term.
I’ve had children make super progress in their phonics which has had a huge positive impact on their reading. I’ve had children write some super pieces of writing including a recount of our school trip! The children continue to impress me in Maths with their recall of times table facts.
In Science, we have managed to fit in some interesting experiments all about sound. In Geography, we have looked at different cities in the UK and wrote a non-chronological report. In PE, we’ve been practising our throwing and catching skills and played games of bench ball. It got very competitive.
We’ve had such a busy half term that I’m sure everyone is ready for the rest! Please don’t forget to continue practising your times tables and those children on reading plus continue to do your vocabulary quizzes and stories!
Have a lovely Easter!
Mrs Morris
W.B 28.3.22
What a busy week we have had. In Maths, we have continued our work on decimals. We can now divide 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10 and 100. On Wednesday, we went on our school trip so in English we have been writing a recount to inform everyone of the great day we had. Our pictures of the trip are just below.
For the past two weeks, we have used one of our Maths lessons to focus on our times tables. This week it has been all about the four times table. We enjoyed playing a game of mathopoly in teams - it got very competitive!
This week, we have also had a cricket workshop. We had great fun and the lady said we could join the after school cricket club if we would like to. In Science, we have been experimenting what impacts the volume of sound. We made our own telephones using cups and string. We found that the longer the piece of string, the quieter the sound was. In Geography, we have written a non-chronological report about a city in the UK. We researched different topics such as the population of the city, tourist attractions, what the weather was like and the food and drink that they had in that city. In RE, we have been looking at forgiveness and how Jesus forgave some of his disciples for betraying him. The children had an excellent discussion with their peers about how they would feel if someone betrayed them and if it was right or wrong to always forgive someone.
Another excellent week Amber Class. Keep up the good work.
The Discovery Museum
Year 4 have had an excellent time at the Discovery Museum in Newcastle. We have explored the museum, had a light and electricity workshop and made our very own torches.
Week beginning 14.3
Another busy week in Amber Class this week. The children have impressed me with their knowledge of decimals and their independent writing in English. Their stories were amazing - we decided to continue the plot of the story we had been reading. In PSHCE, we have been learning about peer pressure and ways to say no!
This week has been a special week for two reasons. Reason number 1 was because this week was British Science Week. The focus of Science Week was all about growing and Year 4 had the task of looking at carbon footprints and how that stops our planet from growing. We learnt about how too much of greenhouse gases can damage our planet and ways to help protect our planet. Ask us and we can tell you lots of different ways to help save the planet. We also looked at different ways of travelling and which was the best for the environment.
Reason number 2 was because we have had a day dedicated to helping Ukraine. On Friday, we made sunflowers using watercolours and oil pastels, wrote kind messages and stuck the sunflowers in our classroom window for everyone to see. The reason we chose to look at the sunflower is because it is Ukraine's national flower. Ask us what it represents and why it is Ukraine's national flower. We even got to plant our own sunflowers.
Science Week and Sunflower Day
Week beginning 07.03.22
Amber class have worked super hard this week. We've had a busy week! In Maths, we have finished our work on fractions and scored higher on our post assessments. On Wednesday, we started looking at decimals. The children have already impressed me with their knowledge of decimals so far.
In English we have continued our sentence stacking days to build up our own class version of the story Journey. It is a lovely book and the children are enjoying using it for our writing. Next week, we will be writing our own independent version of the stories.
In Science we have started a new topic all about sound. We have learnt what sound is, how it travels and we even went on a sound walk around school. It was interesting to hear all the different sounds.
We've been swimming this week, play rounders in PE, we've had our usual french lesson and we learnt about peer pressure in PSHCE. We had an extra PSHCE lesson this week to give us time and the opportunity to discuss what is going on in the world. In particular, we focused on what is happening in Ukraine and how we can help. The children came up with some lovely ways of how we could donate items and money to Ukraine to help all those in need. I was extremely proud.
Well done Year 4.
Week beginning 28.2.22
Amber Class have had a wonderful day for World Book Day. Lots of us have dressed up and some children came in their pyjamas to keep nice and cosy!
We have reads lots today and we have even heard Mrs Hill's favourite book. Mrs Hill managed to pop in to our classroom and read What's in the Witch's Kitchen? There was some disgusting things in the kitchen!
The children have entered into a competition where they had to design a super teacher. We've had megamind Morris where her brain wouldn't fit in her head because she knew so much! We've had Mr Typical Danger who can predict when danger is ahead and prevent it from happening and lots of others. Finger crossed we win!
Spring Term 1
Wow what a half term we have had! Amber Class have worked their socks off.
Their reading, writing, maths, spellings and timestables have all improved :)
In Maths, we've focused on fractions. We are fantastic at making equivalent fractions. In English we have written a story based on the fairy tale Aladdin and an explanation text on how an iRobot dog works.
In Science, we have focused on electricity. We now know different objects that use electricity to work, how to make a simple circuit and what items are conductors and insulators.
We have loved going swimming on Tuesdays. This will continue after half term. In PE, our unit has been dance. We have looked at different shapes and how to put these shapes together to make a sequence. PE will continue to be on a Friday after half term.
Well done Amber Class. Have a lovely half term break :)
Mrs Morris
English Work
Look at our amazing writing!
Dress to Express
The children have enjoyed coming into school in clothes that make them happy. We have also taken part in activities that help our mental health. Ask your child about their day :)
This half term our Science focus is Electricity. We have had lots of fun thinking about the different items that need electricity to power them. We had a great discussion about how our lives would be significantly impacted if we had no electricity. We have experimented making our own circuits, our own switches using paper clips and split pins and we have also experimented which materials are conductors (allow electricity to pass through) and which materials are insulators (don't allow electricity to pass through).
Maths Madness
In Maths we have been learning how to multiply and divide two and three digits by 1 digit. We have learnt efficient methods that help us to work out the answers. We are getting better at recalling times table facts which helps us in our method to work out calculations with bigger numbers.
Christmas Jumper Day
What a fun, festive day we have had. The children looked awesome in their Christmas jumpers. We had a delicious Christmas lunch. Then ran it off in our Santa dash. We've even had time this week to make Christmas decorations for our school Christmas tree!
Science Work
In Science we have learning about the digestive system and what makes a healthy, balanced diet. We looked closely at our digestive system and learnt all the different parts and the function of each of those parts. We then had to label the parts on a diagram. We have also looked at what makes a healthy, balanced diet and the food groups we need to have in our diet. We designed our own healthy meal which made us very hungry!
Friday 19th November
Another brilliant week this week for Amber Class. In English we have wrote our own version of the animated clip Feast. We have written the story from another character's point of view. In Maths, we have learnt to multiply and divide by 10 and 100.
This afternoon in Science, we investigated how our stomachs help to digest our food. We put jelly babies into vinegar to see the effects this has on the jelly babies. The vinegar represents the acids in our stomachs. We have also been able to label the different parts of the digestive system and explain what each part does.
In Geography, we have been learning all about the United Kingdom. We have looked at the countries that make up the UK, capital cities of those countries and cities in the UK. We have learnt lots of facts about where the different cities are.
AAA Sports Trampolining and Gymnastics
Amber Class have had a brilliant afternoon at AAA sports. We took part in gymnastics and trampolining.

What a brilliant start to this half term. Amber Class have worked amazingly this week. In maths we have been learning all about length and perimeter. Ask your child how many centimetres are in a metre and how many metres are in a kilometre. They'll surprise you with their excellent conversion skills.
In English we have started a new narrative based on the Disney film clip Feast. The children are really enjoying it and have started to write their own versions of the story.
In PSHCE we have started talking about differences and how we can celebrate people's differences. The children have been very respectful.
Keep practising those times tables year 4! I'll look forward to seeing the awesome work you produce next week.
Art Work
Below is a sample of our art work and a picture of our class display. In the first week of term we discussed our hopes and dreams for the future. Some children shared the career aspirations and other children focused our goals for this year. It was lovely to read the children's hopes and dreams and get to know them better!
What a busy half term we have had!
The children have worked extremely hard this half term and I am super proud of them all. We have packed in a lot of learning and laughs!
In English we have looked at a picture book called The Whale and wrote our own short narrative about a little girl who goes on an adventure to discover a mystical creature. We have also wrote a diary entry in the first person, retelling the events of the adventure. The children have tried to improve their writing by including fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions. Well done!
In Maths, we have covered two units of work. One was place value and then we moved on to addition and subtraction. I have been very impressed at the children's understanding of written methods they can use to work out calculations including four digit numbers. We have also practised our times tables lots this half term as we need to know all of our tables up to 12x12. Children have a log in for times table rockstars. Please can children use this website to practise their times tables. Children also have a login for numbots which helps them practise their fluency skills.
In history we have been learning about the Romans. Last week, we took part in a workshop with Durham University. John was able to zoom in to the classroom and share lots of different roman artefacts that they had in the museum at Durham. We had lots of fun trying to guess what the artefacts were used for.
In art we have looked at different skills with Miss Carr. We have practised our drawing skills by focusing on the artist Bridget Riley. We had lots of fun colouring and using lines in different ways to create different effects. Look at some of our work on the website.
Well done for all your hard work this half term Year 4. I can't wait to see what fabulous work you produce next half term!
Sunderland Climbing Wall
Amber Class have had an amazing time at Hetton Comp today. They have taken part in rock climbing, archery and caving. The children had so much fun. Ask them all about it!