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Supporting Children with Special and Additional Needs

at Hetton Primary School.


The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) for Hetton Primary School is Gill Medhurst.


Since September 2014 Sunderland Local Authority has produced a ‘Local Offer’ giving information on what is available within Sunderland to best support your child in their educational development. This Local Offer can be reached following the link below.


Each school also has a duty to publish what it is able to offer you and your child with regards SEND provision. This is known as the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report.  Click the link below to view this report specific to our school. 


Schools also have a duty to publish their SEND Policy. 

Hetton Primary's SEND Information Report 2024 - 2025 can be found in PDF format by clicking the link below.

Please find below school's SEND policy.  Slight amendments were made from the 2022-2023 policy so this policy is currently in draft format only (approved for publication in this format by Mrs N Hill - Head Teacher).  The policy will be ratified at school's full Governing Body in Autumn term after which the approved policy will be published. 
