Thanks to those parents who popped in to chat to me about the Year 4 MTC. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Please see below for the presentation - there are web links within it that will take you to online games to practise rapid recall of multiplication facts.
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
The Teaching of Maths at Hetton Primary School
We recognise that Maths is crucial in every aspect of life - from shopping to cooking, driving, travelling and in many careers!
At Hetton Primary School, we follow the National Curriculum, and our maths curriculum is designed to secure, for all children, a fluency in number and an ability to manipulate number to support problem solving and reasoning. Through the Mastery approach, all children are able to make progress, particularly through the CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract). Our curriculum aims to provide cross-curricula opportunities to allow children to apply their maths learning in context, particularly in science. We believe it is important for our children to develop resilience and problem solving skills through their maths learning in order to prepare them for life-long learning.
2022-2023 sees us transitioning away from White Rose Maths to using the NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation Materials. We do of course dip into a range of published resources to support the delivery of our mastery curriculum including WRH, Deepening Understanding, NRich and others. Our staff have been inspired by the high quality CPD provided through the NCETM regional Maths Hub and are determined to ensure that children become fluent in mathematical facts and processes.
Our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children enjoy additional 'Mastering Number' Sessions to cement thier counting and subitizing skills, so that they move into Key Stage 2 with rapid recall of facts that they can use when porblem solving.
We also enjoy using Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars at home and school!
Even our youngest children are mathematicians, with practitioners using a range of open-ended resources to encourage the development of early maths skills including counting, subitizing and pattern spotting! Our children particularly enjoy learning outdoors using our natural resources and putting their Maths skills to the test through regular baking sessions!