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Welcome to our Nursery Adventures Room 

Mrs Garside & Mrs Leightell are your Nursery Practitioners

Week Commencing Monday 2nd December 2024 


Our Maths focus this week has been all about patterns. Key staff have supported the children with recognising different patterns, and when completing repeated patterns. The children learned through trial and error when participated in an interactive pattern activity, and some children where able to talk about, and explain which colour would come next. Some children further developed their knowledge of colour when recognising matching colours within their surroundings. One child said “the green colour on the board, is the same as Mrs Garsides jumper.” The boys and girls further developed their communication and language skills, and maths key vocabulary. The children used phrases such as “Teddy bear pattern.” “Repeated pattern.” “Blue comes next.” “Orange comes next.” Some children were then able to further demonstrate their knowledge and understanding during ‘get busy’ time. They independently used this time to create their own repeated patterns with the sorting bears. 

Our RE focus this week has been all about ‘Jesus’, and ‘The Christmas Story’ book. The children engaged well throughout this topic, and enjoyed participating in group discussions. We talked about Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, the children further developed their communication and language skills when retelling the story, and when identifying various pictures. Key staff asked questions such as, what animal carried Mary?    Where was baby Jesus born? Who came to visit baby Jesus? The children responded with “ travelled on a Donkey.” “Travelled to Bethlehem to have baby, they stayed in a stable.” 3 kings brought gifts.” Key staff talked about the three wise kings gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Key staff then asked the children what other gifts could be given to baby Jesus. They said “food”, “bike” and “rocking chair”.  


Week beginning 25th November 2024


This week has been a busy week for us in Nursery. We are in full preparations for our Nativity the children are doing so well learning their words and songs ready for their grown ups coming to watch very soon. 

In maths this week we have been working on sorting and grouping the children have worked very hard discussing and working out the rules for sorting. We have noticed that sorting doesn’t just have to be groups of colour it can be toys that have wheels and toys that don’t. We have noticed that groups can be toys with soft and toys that are hard. 

English this week we have continued with our story The very First Christmas. We have enjoyed discussing how Mary and Joseph travelled on a donkey to Bethlehem. The children were very interested in why they didn’t go in the car our bus. 

RE this week has been looking at the Shepherds role. We spoke about how important the role of the Shepherd was having to look after all the sheep and make sure they were all ok. The children discussed other job roles that they think are important. Our top 5 important jobs were, 

1) doctors - they look after us when we are poorly 

2) fireman - they put out the fires 

3) police - they keep us safe 

4) bus drivers- they take us places and drive the buses 

5) Mrs Hill - she looks after us at school. 

The children have been reading the book the Enormous turnip in the reading area this week which led us to talk about soup and how you make it. So we thought it would be a great idea to make some vegetable soup on nursery. Mrs Garside went shopping and bought a selection of vegetables for us. We were very careful as we all had a go at chopping some, potatoes, onions, carrots, leek. The children used some fantastic vocabulary as they described the texture, smell of the vegetables. Once they were all chopped up we carried the mix along to the kitchen where Lisa boiled them up for us with some stock. Once it was cooked and cooled down we blended it and had a bowl for snack with a lovely slice of bread. 
Half the children thought the soup was nice and the other half were not too keen.


Week beginning 18th November 2024


The children have been talking lots to each other about where they have been on their holidays or where they are going. Following on from this we made our own travel agents in the nursery. The children have had great fun looking at different countries, making their own passports and pretending to book staff and their friends on a holiday of their dreams. 

In RE this week we have been looking and discussing the special story of The First Christmas. We discussed how there was no room in the inn for Mary and Joseph so they had to stay in a stable where Jesus was born. The children shared their views about how Jesus was a special baby and how he helped lots of people. The children were fantastic at remembering lots from our previous RE group times. 

This week in Maths we have been looking at the number 2. the children have been working on writing the number 2 using the interactive board. The children have worked very hard on grouping and sorting this week. We have discussed and worked on how we can make two groups of objects. The children have been doing this through colour and shape. We worked together as used different coloured buttons to sort into groups. The children were brilliant working together as a group to help. 

Launchpad this week we have been listening for meaning and semantic sorting. The children selected a familiar object by function when the simplist  verb was used e.g " can you find me the one you cut with." All the children were great at this activity. 

The weather didn't stop our fun in the garden this week, we wrapped up well in our waterproofs, hats, scarfs and gloves as we explored in the frost and snow. The children loved making potions in the mud kitchen, sliding down the hill on their tummy and body boards. 

Week Beginning 11th November 2024


This week we have been discussing Remembrance Day, the children watched a short video called Poppy animation (cbebbies) on you tube. After the video the children asked about the animals in the video. The children recognised that it wasn't only the soilder's that were involved in the war it was also animals too. 

The children went off to do their own poppies for a wreath to lay on the cenotaph in Hetton. 


In maths this week we have been learning about the number 2. the children recognised that if you add 1 and 1 together then it makes 2. The children worked on writing the number 2 on the wipeboard as well as going on a number 2 hunt around the classroom.


Carrying on from last week and kindness the children asked if we could make some cakes and give them to some people they cared for in school. The children asked if they could make Mrs Gardner for always been nice, Mrs Hamilton for working hard and coming to see them, Mrs Hill  for looking after them and Mrs foster for coming to nursery and reading them a story. 


We have loved exploring in the garden this week getting very dirty as we  made  lots of soup in our mud kitchen, sliding down the hill on our tummies and body boards. The swings and slide have been a big success too in nursery. 

Week beginning 2nd November 2024


We have had a great week in nursery, we have been very busy sharing our experiences of watching fireworks. The children loved sharing their ideas of been safe around fireworks and how you have to be extra careful with sparklers. Our book this week has been a book of poems called Zim Zam Zoom. The poems are all about fireworks. We looked at one of the poems that described fireworks before we went off to design and make our own pictures. The children used two different techniques one was splatter painting the other was using the back of a fork to make fireworks with glitter. 


In RE this week we have been talking about kindness, we had Humpty Dumpty, a dog, a doll and a tiger. As a group we discussed what would be a great present to give them as present. After a long discussion we wrapped the presents and gave them. We discussed how it made us feel giving others a present. We then had a group discussion about others that we would give a present too the children decided they would like to give Mrs Gardiner a book as a present. 




Week Commencing Monday 21st October 2024 


What a wonderful ending to a fantastic first term!


We are extremely proud of everyone, especially our new little ones. Everyone has settled brilliantly, and demonstrated such resilience when adapting into their nursery setting. 


This week we have had great fun, in preparation of ‘Halloween’. The children have enjoyed participating in various activities to facilitate their interest of Halloween. The children further developed their communication and Language skills, and also their personal, social, and emotional skills when participating in group activities, when exploring pumpkins. We discussed textures, colours, and smells when initially exploring the pumpkins. We discussed what could be inside, when we safely cut the top off. The children enjoyed putting their hands in, and some enjoyed using the wooden spoons to scoop out the seeds. The boys and girls loved listening to the story book ‘FunnyBones’, they were able to join in with some of the repetitive key phrases within the story. We made our own skeleton pictures, using white paint, and cotton buds to represent the Skeleton’s from within the story book. 


We have continued to explore patterns, using colours, objects, shapes and when identifying objects from around the environment that can also be used to create a pattern. They children have worked super hard throughout, and have also enjoyed creating their own patterns on paper when using the felt tip pens. 

Week Commencing Monday 14th October 2024 


This week the nursery boys and girls have been working extremely hard when participating in this weeks math’s topic, all about ‘patterns’. We also incorporated a Launchpad for Literacy target to coincide with this weeks math’s topic. Firstly we looked at hand gestures when clapping our hands, and patting our knees. Key staff modelled this to the children, then encouraged them to copy. Many children were able to carry this out in the correct order, while some were able to copy the gestures but occasionally jumbling up the order. We discussed as a group what other things can also be a pattern, or used to create a pattern. Some children suggested numbers, colours, and objects. Key staff suggested musical instruments, as a fun activity to keep the children engaged. Key staff shook, banged and tapped the musical instruments in a specific order, then encouraged the children to try and copy. We then looked at colour patterns, using the the coloured sorting bears, many children could confidently complete the pattern by placing the correct coloured bear that came next. Some children selected the correct coloured bear but placed it at the opposite side of the pattern line.


The children have enjoyed participating in music and movement activities during this weeks PE session. The children explored moving their bodies in many different ways in time with the music. The children jumped, hopped, crawled, and skipped.  


We have enjoyed exploring the construction area, demonstrating a huge interest in the magnetic shapes to create models, and structures, while also developing the skills to share their ideas with their peers. 


The children are trying very hard to further develop their independence ,when trying to select and put on their own coats, and wellies ready to play in the outdoor environment. 


We also went to visit the library this week to exchange our books, the children enjoyed listening to a story while also being given the choice to select their own book to take home for the next 2 weeks. 

Week Commencing Monday 7th October 2024 


This week our nursery topic has been ‘The Little Red Hen’, the children have enjoyed exploring this story, while also developing their communication and language skills, and personal, Social, and Emotion Skills, when having group discussions about the story. Many children were able to identify the various animals within the story, while also being able to share different feelings when no one would help ‘The Little Red Hen’. Some children shared one word answers, such as “Pig”, while others shared answers using full clear sentences, such as “she’s going to ask someone to help”, and “the dog, he wasn’t helping.” 


Our maths focus this week has been about shape, and structures. Many children were able to correctly identify various different shapes, such as a ‘circle, triangle, square, and rectangle’. We looked at what ‘structures’ could be created when using the different shapes. One child made a structure of ‘London’, while another made a structure of ‘a farm’. The children also had great fun participating in a interactive shape sorting game on the interactive white board, and also joining in with the words and actions of a song all about shapes.  


R.E this week has been about ‘special people-Jesus’. We looked at different pictures of Jesus on the internet, key staff asked the children to compare the pictures. Key staff asked the children questions about what they could see, such as “what does Jesus look like?” And “What can you remember about Jesus?” Some children offered answers such as “He’s got long hair” and “He helped people”. We explored a man called ‘Bartimaeus’, he was a blind man that Jesus helped, and healed. We explored how we would feel if we could not see, and talked about how this would make things difficult for us. 


This week the children have also participated in a ‘Launchpad for Literacy’ activity. The children have been developing the skills to follow instructions at a 2 word level, while also developing their memory skills. We played a little game to support this, the children were asked to find 2 objects in the correct order, then bring them back to the carpet to show their friends. Key staff said instructions such as, “can you find me a car, and a teddy bear.” 


Thursday was ‘Mental Health Day’, the children enjoyed participating in a hand print, colouring activity. The children were each given a hand print, then asked to say something kind about one of their friends. To say something that they liked about this person, and what makes them special to them. The children offered some brilliant answers about their thoughts and feelings.  


Week Commencing Monday 30th September 2024 


This week we have explored the ‘Owl Babies’ story book from our medium term plan. The children enjoyed being read too by key staff, they enjoyed discussing the book, while also being able to answer questions in relation to the story, and pictures. Key staff asked questions such as, “which part was your favourite?” The children gave some brilliant answers, many said “when the Mammy came back.” They enjoyed joining in with repetitive phrases, while also sharing their thoughts about what could happen next. The children also engaged in various activities throughout the week in relation to the topic ‘Owl Babies.’ 


Our maths focus this week was ‘Comparing’ bigger, and smaller quantities. The children were set a challenge, and were asked to tell key staff which hoop had the most toys. The children have been working super hard to develop these skills throughout the week, learning through trial and error. We counted the toys out together, to find out if the children had picked correctly.  


During PE this week we have been developing the skills to follow key instructions when being directed by an adult, while also developing our physical skills. The children were asked to stand in a line, one behind the other, while also maintaining their focus, and attention. The boys and girls had great fun exploring different ways of moving, we mainly focused on ‘balance’ and ‘jumping’, landing safely on two feet.  


The children had great fun while participating in a Launchpad for Literacy activity, they have been developing their Auditory memory skills. The children were shown various pictures, then asked to listen to a sound. Key staff then asked the children to say, or point to the correct picture that matched the sound.  

Week Commencing Monday 23rd September 2024 


We have had such a busy, fun filled week! The children have been developing their hand eye co ordination skills, mark making skills, and pencil control when participating in a self portrait activity. The children were asked to explore their faces when looking in a mirror, then asked questions in relation to what they could see. They demonstrated a good understanding of the task, while also developing their vocabulary throughout. The boys and girls are developing the skills to draw a circle to form a face, then add eyes, a nose, and a mouth. 


We all had great fun participating in this weeks RE group activity, talking about the special people in our families. We all sat within a group, taking turns one at a time, to share what we enjoyed doing the most with our families. All of the children shared some lovely memories, and experiences, while developing their communication and language skills, and also their personal social and emotional skills.  


The boys and girls have worked very hard, developing their number knowledge and skills. We have been looking at the numbers 1-3, recognising these numbers in songs, and rhymes. To be able to show the correct number of fingers when asked, ‘show me one,’ ‘show me 2,’ ‘show me 3.’ We also clapped our hands, and stomped our feet in time with the correct number/numbers.  


During this weeks PE session, we have focused more on following instructions, and turn taking. Key staff sat the children in pairs, while supporting them with rolling the ball back and forth to each other, then bouncing the ball to each other. 


In addition to all the adult lead activities, the children have also had great fun participating in many other activities, such as baking cakes, exploring various herbs in the play dough area, peas in the water, and potato printing. Some of these activities were to facilitate some of the children’s interest of the story book ‘supertato.’

Week Commencing Monday 16th September 2024 


This week the boys and girls have engaged in many activities to further develop their skills. They have been extremely busy developing their maths knowledge when looking at the numbers 1-5, they enjoyed participated in rhymes and songs that contained familiar numbers. Key staff offered opportunities throughout, for the children to share their developing number knowledge. We asked questions, such as “what numbers did you hear?” “Can you show me using your fingers?”  

The boys and girls enjoyed this weeks RE activity, it was all about ‘special people’, such as family and friends. The children were asked to pick a friend when sitting within a small group, to then say something special about them. Everyone demonstrated brilliant understanding throughout, and offered some lovely comments about their friends. 

The children engaged in their first PE lesson of the new term, developing the skills to work alongside their friends, take turns, wait, and share. While also developing their gross motor skills when throwing, catching, and rolling a large ball. 

Our focus, and main story this week has been ‘The Family Book’, the aim was to develop the children’s participation during group activities, to develop their comprehension when talking about their own families, and to identify initial sounds when exploring the pictures within the story book. The children enjoyed telling key staff about their own families, who lives within the family home, and of course their furry little animal friends.  

In addition to all of the exciting learning opportunities offered throughout the week, the children have also had great fun playing, and exploring. They have enjoyed many mark making activities, such as painting and whiteboard marker pens. They have enjoyed making pretend birthday cakes when exploring the play dough, and having tea parties in the home corner. We have also spent a lot of time outdoors, developing physical skills when running, climbing, swinging and rolling. 

Week Commencing Monday 9th September 2024


What a wonderful start to the new school term, we are extremely proud, and happy with how well all of the children have adapted, and settled into nursery. Well done everyone! 

This week we have observed the children, giving them the opportunity to play, and explore their surroundings. They have all explored many different areas, while demonstrating their own interests throughout their play. 

Throughout the week we have been developing our personal, social and emotional skills when playing alongside friends, and participating in small group activities. We have also been developing our communication and language skills during group, and 1-1 discussions, and developing our listening, and understanding when following key instructions.  

Mrs Leightell and Mrs Garside are looking forward to seeing what the upcoming weeks bring, to get to know each other more, and to further develop skills. 

First week of the new term!
