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Pupil Premium

Please read the information below which outlines how we spend our Pupil Premium Grant and the impact that it has.

Spring 2024

The Pupil Premium Strategy was formally reviewed by the Link Governors.

Summer 2024 (to be completed in July 2024)

The Link Governors will review the final rag rated Strategy Plan and discuss priorities moving forward.

Autumn 2024 (to be completed in October 2024)

The Link Governors will review the outcome of the Strategy Plan.

2020-2021 Strategy Plan 

Autumn Term review took place on 16.12.2020 with the Head Teacher and Pupil Premium link governors.

Spring Term review took place on 24.02.2021.

Summer 1 review took place on 28.4.21.

(Please contact the Head Teacher if you require a copy of the full Strategy Plan for Hetton Primary School)

2019/2020 Review of impact
