Amber Class
Wow what a fantastic first week back. I am super proud of how well the children have settled in and they have worked their socks off!
We have been investigating different ways of making three digit numbers in maths, we have started our new adventure story in English about a girl who discovers a whale. The children seem to be really enjoying it. If you ask them about it I'm sure they will be able to tell you all about it!
We have created a display full of our hopes and dreams for the future and this afternoon we have had lots of fun in Art.
Over the weekend please can you practise your times tables. By the end of year 4 the children will have a times table test and will need to know all of their times tables up to 12x12.
Have a fantastic week - see you Monday :)
Mrs Morris
Skipping Sessions
We have had a fantastic time with the skipping coach. We have learnt lots of different skills and put those skills to music ready to do a performance :)
Wow! What an amazing day we have had. I am delighted to have a busy, happy classroom again. We have had so much fun whilst getting back in to a routine. In Maths, we have used the diennes and place value counters to explore multiplying two digits by one digit. In English we have read the amazing book How to Train Your Dragon. Some of the characters looked a bit strange! This afternoon we have enjoyed drawing with liz Million and getting outside for our PE lesson.
Festive Forest
we have had an awesome day building santa’s grotto, toasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate. We did get muddy and wet but it was all part of the fun.
Friday 27th November
Amber class loved taking part in boxercise and zumba this afternoon. We had a brilliant time and came out very red and very sweaty!
Friday 23rd October
Amber Class have had a fantastic half term. They have worked super hard and made me one very proud teacher! As a reward, we decided to spend our dojos and have hot chocolate, marshmallows and cake! It was delicious.Have a fantastic half term everyone :). Don't forget to practise your times tables on time tables rockstars.
Thursday 24th September
In science, Amber Class experimented what happened when solids changed to liquids. We had lots of fun watching ice melt and melting chocolate. The melted chocolate was too good to resist so we decided to dip marshmallows in and eat them! Yum!
Super Science
Scooter Board Fun
Friday 11th September
Wow, what a start Amber Class have made to the new school year. They have settled in amazingly and I am so proud of the work they are producing.
In Maths, we are working hard at counting in thousands and hundreds. We have also been partitioning four digit numbers and rounding to the nearest ten and hundred. We are continuing to practise our times tables. There are lots of fun and exciting games online to help practise all of our times tables. We'll soon be times table experts!
In English we have been reading the text Here We Are and have completed many activities related to the text. We enjoyed writing our own poems about the world we live in. We loved reading our class novel Aliens Stole Our Teacher. The children predicted what what happen to the teacher and wondered if aliens would ever come and kidnap me!
We have enjoyed our fitness sessions and particularly loved the new scooter boards! Our P.E day is Wednesday so don't forget to come to school in your P.E kit.